solid ball-striking and a velvety short game, nature, mental and physical exercise, family and friends, dogs, sports (including poker), I've even started to enjoy growing up.
Damn you're nosey, Myspace! If you're cool, fun, and interesting, then you. Tiger Woods on the first tee on Sunday.
Listening to Nickelback is about as enjoyable as bathing in a septic tank. I don't much care for John Mayer because he sings like a goat and makes terrible faces while playing guitar pretty well. I also should have realized how much Bon Jovi sucks at a younger age. Otherwise, I really like music.
Favorite Comedies: Office Space, Safe Men, Caddieshack. Favorite Thrillers: The Ring, Silence of the Lambs. Other Greats: Shawshank Redemption, Bull Durham, The Never Ending Story, all Lord of The Rings, The Big Lebowski. Recently Viewed: Thank You For Smoking, Click, Stuck on You, The Simpsons, Bourne Ultimatum, The Illusionist Movies goooood, FIRE BAAAAADDDD!!!!!!
The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Sopranos, Flight of the Concords. sports, sports, sports. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Entourage. The Weather Channel, bitches. Public Broadcasting.
I am a talented reader. It took a lot of practice, but I can usually read myself to sleep in less than three pages while retaining only the first two or three paragraphs. By the time I pick the book up again, a few days later, I have usually forgotten even those paragraphs. Thus, I am able to read the same book forever. Currently perusing The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama. He seems to be smarter then Bush. Some of my favorites are: The River Why, The Great Gatsby, Sometimes A Great Notion, and Goodnight Moon.
Usually roast beef. Cajun turkey with lettuce, pickles, hot peppers, a little mayo, and honey mustard if available.