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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am currently an inn keeper at the Clarendon Square Inn. Check it out at www.clarendonsquare.com.Someday I hope to own my very own B&B. Look me up in 5 years and chances are, I'll have my own property. God willing. It will hopefully be this great mixture of creativity, independence, out right coolness and quaintness. Where, I'm not sure exactly? But please do let me know if you would like to be on the mailing list for the grand opening.I do believe I am one of the lucky few who can honestly say, I've found my dream job. Let's see if that's still true in another six months.Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Restaurants! Good wine (preferably red -- all recommendations welcome). Travel (when I have the money to explore.) I like sporty things too. I want to cycle a whole heck of a lot this Summer.

I'd like to meet:

My sister's financee. Problem is, he's in Kenya and I'm here. I do hope I meet him before the wedding. That'd be a little awkward. Don't you think?


Josh Ritter, Rachael Davis, The Decembrists, The Weepies (Man, I love their music.), Emmylou Harris. I like Patty Griffin, Indigo Girls, Van Morrison, Otis Reading. Jason Harrod, M. Ward, The Be Good Tanyas, The Teddybears. And yes, I've been known to listen to Andrea Bocelli. (You can't dispute, the man has talent.)


Little Miss Sunshine. I saw it. I liked it. It's the kind of movie that makes you smile because it was cast so well. (Like Harry Potter movies but different.) I love Harry Potter movies. I just rewatched them. All four. They're such creative little stories.


No thanks. Oh alright, I like reruns of Sex in the City, Will & Grace, That 70's Show or Seinfeld. Isn't that sad that they're all reruns? I loved Love Monkey, but they canceled it.


I'm in between books right now. I need a good one in my hands though. I just finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Really well written. There are some great one liners. Before that, The Fountainhead. I could write volumes on that one. Other favorites - Blue Like Jazz, Chronicles of Narnia & Pride & Prejudice.


My parents. Corny, right? But seriously, they're great. Maybe you'll meet them one day. And then you'll agree.

My Blog

My friend CJ - the white rapper

free-arlington-style street slang poetry (This writing was produced from the stress of this week as it kept me up last night when I should have been sleeping.  Its all over the place, it doesn't ...
Posted by kc on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST

I should be working

Here's my question...why do so many of us settle for jobs we don't love when, truthfully, we can really do anything we can dream up?  I guess the issue is we may not dream big enough. My str...
Posted by kc on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:41:00 PST