WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?Still working on the new album...
Meditating so as to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Trying not to let emotions take over and ruin my life and relationships. Getting the party set all laid out and started for the next time you mingle. Visit www.nareshmichael.comDON'T LET YOURSELF MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES by hiring another DJ who spins the same played out top 40's and doesn't know how to interact with people in the crowd.MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER! Meet some positive people who aren't so burnt out and negative about life. Sure people are suffering everywhere right now, the economy sucks , but we ARE going to one day reach universal enlightenment. Yes we're all gonna pull out of this together. Believe me I'm working on some serious issues too right now. Like how to install a solar water heater.Hang in there! I know.You want to QUIT YOUR JOB. So work smarter not harder. Write down your goals so you know exactly where you want to go. Take a break and go out to meet some people. Exchange some creative ideas about marketing. Suddenly good ideas are born and developed into MILLION DOLLAR $$$$ businesses. LIKE SEX PORNOS!!! Just kidding.So you're fed up with it. That’s a good sign!
Sign onto my fan's list and you'll get UPLIFTING UPDATES and inspirational stories that will provide some hope for the future of humanity. We all need some uplifting from all the misery and all of the world's problems. Also I'll keep you updated on some great upcoming parties near your local area so you'll be able to let off the perfect amount of steam to get right back to the grind stone with a clear head.WHAT LOCAL PARTIES? The one's where I play music on a night that you aren't working too late. No more weak parties or bars from here on out. Only the best restaurants or places with inspiring atmosphere. Maybe your friends [email protected] and ask for a FREE BROCHURE about the MUSIC I play and the PARTIES I host. And remember when it's all said and done, all we really wanted was the same perfect acknowledged recognition that all is love and we are one as a true reality beyond the duality of our relative mind. Until then we are the crazy ones. You're not alone. The painful part is the recurring doubt, so lets all keep meditating. To know god is to know thy true self and forgive the imperfections of time. When no longer must we explain intention.View All Friends | View Events | Add Comment