I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
wEll, i'm a gRaduaTe of BacHelOr of SciEncE in BusinEss AdministRatiOn MajOr in FinanciAl anD ManagEmEnt AccOuntinG at the UnivErsity of thE AssumptiOn(City of San FernandO PampAngA, PhilippinEs) gottA lOve this place ofcOursE! stiLL wAnt tO puRsue AccOuntAncy aftEr i gRaduAtEd or wHen i havE a stAblE jOb tO suppOrt my stUdiEs fOr aNotHer OnE yEar...it's rEally my dReam tO bEcOme a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT iN thE fUtUrE..And if it's rEally GOd's wiLL, it wiLL and it cAn hAppen.. nOthIng is impOssibLe riGht?!...i Love mUsiC sO mucH..as iN! i gO for all types oF it As lOng As it wOuld cAtcH my intErEst... tHis pAssion fOr muSic is thE rEasOn why i AlsO lOvE to sIng.( and yEs, u rEad it right!hehe.. wAnna givE u guys a sAmplE?!hAhAhA)... i alsO lOve to act...i was oncE a membEr of the TEATRO BENEDICTO(a thEatEr gRoup bAcK whEn i wAs stIll in mY hIghschOOl yEars).. i alsO loVe tO hanG Out witH my frIends mOst EspeciAlly with my fAmilY... wE usuAlly go intO plAcEs wHerE we cAn rElax and uNwinD tO fOrget the thinGs wE nOrmAlly dO..(wE all nEEd tO lOOsen up evEn jusT for awHilE riGht?!)..wE stRoll, wAtch mOvies, gO tO maLL, eAt, dO anytHing fOr us tO hAvE FUN... i hAtE thOse pEoplE wHo, by just lOOkin' on thE physical aTTribUtes of a pErson, cAn tEll bAd thinGs or can juDgE wHat kinD Of persOn tHat hE/she miGht bE tHat easY...(as if they Really knOw thAt pErson weLL)hheelloo?! thEre's nO suCh thinG as thAt oWkEi?! wE'rE nOt makin' a fAir judGmEnt if wE do thAt.. try tO eXaminE yOursElf firSt beForE makin' any kinD of act..first impRessions dOn't lAst 'cOz pEoplE dO cHangE... u miGht bE thE lOOsEr in thE End... don't lEt thE pOwEr of KARMA entEr yOur lifE! dO gOOd things witHout askin' in rEturn...mAkE thE most oUt of your lifE! GOD wiLL nEvEr lEavE us HanginG...HE will alwAys gUidE anD prOtecT us!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
REAL people... tHosE pEoplE whO wiLL and cAn aCCept mE for whO i am anD fOr wHat i Am...("_,)")