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About Me

Shin – (Jap. Means super), Baxter – (Me)
I am Andrew Baxter, I am an animator, born in East London, UK. Raised on Cartoons esp. Manga. I go by the pseudonym SHiNBAXTER.
I have been animating since the age of about 10 years old, beginning on the Amiga using the excellent paint program Deluxe Paint III. I animated short bursts of cartoon adventures, and sprites for computer games I made.

Written by Danny Baxter, Based from 'Colony: The Rats' by Matthew Revell, Animation by Andrew Baxter, Programming by Andrew Baxter, Music by Danny Baxter
I am also into martial arts films and for a college project as part of my Media Studies GSCE, I produced a trailer for a fictional martial arts film called ‘ART OF FIGHTING’. I co-wrote it, starred in it, and edited it, My brother Danny did the music. The video edit contains 63 cuts, which I did in one day, earning my nickname ‘the machine’ by college tutors at Epping Forest College media department.
Art of Fighting (1999)

Written by Andrew Baxter, Directed by Andrew Baxter, Camera work Andrew Baxter, Danny Baxter & Matthew Revell; Starring Andrew Baxter, Danny Baxter, Matthew Revell, Christopher Barker, Rebecca Hey, Mark Smeed & Jason Smith; Video Editing by Andrew Baxter, Music & sound by Danny Baxter, Graphics by Andrew Baxter
Currently, I use mainly Macromedia Flash and Adobe Photoshop for the majority of my animation process. My drawing/animation style has been mainly influenced by Manga, (including Animé and Japanese arcade games – i.e. Street Fighter II). My goal is to one day be able to produce animation of a Manga/Japanimé standard.
Recent work I’ve completed, includes;
Pay Me No Mind, Dreamy Dream and KNOCK ‘eM DEAD.
Pay Me No Mind - Me-One ft Durrty Goodz (2007)

Original Concept by Me1, Directed by Andrew Baxter, Animation by Andrew Baxter, Background Art by Danny Baxter, Video Editing by Andrew Baxter, Music by Me1 featuring Durrty Goodz, Produced by Frenemy Records
Pay Me No Mind is an animated music video I made for Rap/Blues Artist - Me1.
My involvement was with drawing, animating and editing the video. I had assistance from My brother Danny (who got me the job), with acting out character motions and filming me doing the same. Those motions would be ‘translated’ into the characters in the video. Most of the animation in this video was done this way.
Pay Me No Mind - unmasked (2007)

Produced by Me1, Material provided by Andrew Baxter & Danny Baxter
Danny also worked on the backdrops. Me1 came up with the original concept for the screenplay and idea for the main character ‘SoreThumb Sam’. Danny added a few scenes and helped flesh out Sore Thumb on paper, which was adapted by me for the animation. We completed the video in six months in 2007 and we await its release, hopefully this year.
Dreamy Dream (2007)

Original Concept by George Massey, Animation by Andrew Baxter, Sound Editing by Andrew Baxter, Voice acting by Andrew Baxter & Barbara Massey, Directed by Andrew Baxter
Dreamy Dream is an animation pilot I worked on with friend George Massey. Previously to Pay Me No Mind, My show reel had invoked a response from Channel 5 suggesting that we should consider making animated shorts for smaller children.
SHiNBAXTER - showreel (2004)

Animated, Directed & Produced by Andrew Baxter
Due to certain circumstances, this project dragged at the colouring stages because of the nature of the style I had chosen, but after the completion of Pay Me No Mind, Dreamy Dream was quickly finished off. After visiting Channel 5, about 2 years later, feedback was all we got, and they advised us to contact production companies instead. On this project, I built on George’s story premise and fleshed it out into a 2 minute cartoon. I designed the style, the characters, edited the visuals edited the sound and created the backdrops. I also did the voice for the boy, and I got George’s Mum Barbara Massey an actress by profession, to voice the mother.
KNOCK 'eM DEAD (2008)

Original Concept by Danny Baxter, Co-written by Danny Baxter, Andrew Baxter & George Massey, Animation by Andrew Baxter, Video editing by Andrew Baxter, Music by Danny Baxter, Sound editing by Andrew Baxter, Voice acting by George Massey, Andrew Baxter & Danny Baxter, Executive producing by Anton Califano for Eastern Edge Film Fund
KNOCK ‘eM DEAD was a 3 minute 30 second animated short that I made for the Eastern Edge Film Fund (a London Borough Cluster of Barking&Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge who receive money from Film London to offer to filmmakers). My Brother had entered it on my behalf and was the producer on the film. George Massey was invited to help brainstorm for the plot/screenplay. Danny also designed the majority of the Characters, (which I adapted for the animation) and created all the music. George also pulled off some amazing voice acting as the ‘coach’ and the stadium announcer.
I handled the rest... Drawing, animating, video and sound editing. Some of the animation was done in similar way to Pay Me No Mind i.e. tracing over our own acting. But I employed a number of different techniques to get certain bits done, using a small mannequin, or certain parts animated unaided like in Dreamy Dream. Due to the nature of the screenplay, there was a lot of challenging scenes. We also had to take on the direction and advice of our executive producer Anton Califano who was put on the job by Eastern Edge to protect their ‘investment’. In addition to this, it was the most flashy and detailed style to date making this the most ambitious project by far. Also, it was completed in under half the time of Pay Me No Mind (although the same length), with the majority of the animation being completed in 2 months. We had to sacrifice about 70-80% of the screenplay to meet Eastern Edge and Film London’s Deadline. I had to adapt the story to keep the flow going. The film was featured as one of six films shortlisted in ITV Local’s Best of Boroughs competition, uploaded on their website and clips shown on London Today/Tonight. Although we didn’t win, we got some excellent feedback.

Aired on London Tonight 6:00pm 2nd June 2008, Danny Baxter speaks on behalf of the KNOCK 'em DEAD team
I have been influence a lot by Channel4’s animation seasons such as 4mations and Hot Reels, On one of the programmes there was a challenge called ‘Cell Mates’, on which animators were given 72 hours to make an animated film… Shortly after this I decided to give it a go. This was my attempt. I completed it within 72 hours.
Sound was supposed to go on it but was never added.
PRISON (2001)

Animated, Directed & Produced by Andrew Baxter
For the future, I will continue to animate. My skills are escalating with each project, as I learn more about what I can do with the tools I have. Continuing to push my level until,God willing, I achieve my goal. Jap!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Best of Boroughs Competition

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