If you are a friend, you should already know these 10 things. And if your not, well then here you go:
1. I don’t own any make-up but mascara. So if I’m wearing it, I’m making a serious effort.
2. I have no hidden depths. With me, what you see is exactly what you get.
3. I will never go out of my way to be mean to anyone. And I hate people that will.
4. I have very few friends, but they’re special. And they know exactly who they are.
5. Ditch me for your boyfriend/girlfriend and I have no time for you. And when you need me back, I swear I won’t be there. Because why should I be?
6. I always go out, blow all my wages on alcohol, and wake up the next day not remembering the night before. I should stop doing that. But I know I won’t. And to be honest I don’t want to.
7. I have finally got myself a decent boy. So Lampard is just gonna have to wait a while.
8. I’m cleverer than I seem. Just take my word for it.
9. I think I’m funny. You probably won’t. Unless your names Lisa, or Emily.
10. Come out with me, and we will have a wild time. So long as you’re willing to get on that sambuca train!!!