The life of Jesus, his teachings and impact on the world. Religious discussion. sobriety & spreading HIS word, strongman compeitions and lifting things for the lord.
Other Christian people like me. No frauds, no bigots & certainly none of the so-called believers who only pray when times are tough. The lord is with you at all times - how often are you with him? Also - no muslims or jews unless you are interested in conversion or a real discussion about the divine.
any musician who is willing to speak from their heart about our lord
The Passion of the Christ - this movie made me cry & appreciate my lord even more!! Mel Gibson did an amazing thing and his soul will be rewarded for his courage with eternal salvation
The Holy Bible - the good book. The only good book
Jesus first and foremost. The prophets, St Paul, Constantine the Great, Martin Luther, Magnus Samuelson, Bill Kazmier & everyone who speaks from their heart about the lord Jesus Christ