Futbol/Fussball/Football/Futebol, Automobiles, Wakeboarding sessions, golf, reading, FIFA on the PS2 and XBOX..a good bottle of scotch and deep conversations...driving and cruising..chillin' at the beach...
The Gent
People Iced: Twenty Two
Car Bombs Planted: Sixteen
Favorite Weapon A Cleaver
Arms Broken: Thirty Two
Eyes Gouged: Nineteen
Tongues Cut Off: One
Biggest Enemy: The Arm Breaker
Get Your HITMAN Name
smart, direct and articulate people that you can have a good conversation with....and you! yes you!
RnB, House, Hip-hop, Funk, Soul, chillout,alternative, oldies, opm
Godfather I II and III, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Along came Polly, What lies Beneath, Shawshank Redemption, Legends of the Fall, Catch me if you can, Gone in 60 secs., Conair, The Rock...
That 70's show, Pimp my ride, Rescue Me, CSI, House, Nip/Tuck, FUTBOL MUNDIAL!
The Alchemist,Rich Dad Poor Dad, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Godfather, Omerta, The Family,Car & Driver....