JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS WITH THE WORDS "WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT" (IM NOT THERE YET...BUT SURELY STEPPING INTO GLORRAYY TO GOD!!) My Future Husband and Children, and the Life I may or may not end with. (the Word of God declares that some of us will not taste death)People about our Father's business, busy bodying in other people's affairs and finger pointing. Those hungry and thirsty for knowledge, Wisdom and a new life in Christ, the stiff-necked for I am believing God for your very soul...People who are open-minded, humerous and willing to take LIFE for all that has to offer. Out-going, ready, willing and able to acheive what the world deems as impossible. Those who want to see a change for the greater good and ready to make it happen. Those building towards the manifestation of God's Plan. Come Talk to me!!!