♥Lust F.F.♥{MH}CSA profile picture

♥Lust F.F.♥{MH}CSA


About Me

Hey wass up every 1 well this is 1 of my closest frends i consider her as 1 of my bestfrends but yea this girl here is like totally really kool lol i've head summ funny moments wit her n sum wierd ass moments too but its all been good shes a good frend n a real kool person shes a lil weird sumtimes but still kool all da times dat i kick it wit her is always a tight ass day 4 me shes also real funny too lol well yea g2g -LiL MAn-My baby cousin what can't I say about her? Hmm we've always been close we were born a month a part so we've seen a lot of each other. She's one of my only family members I can open up to , only because she's listens , doesn't talk crap , and is actually caring onlike other people in our family who's names I won't mention. Back to my cousin she loves her friends , she loves to party , and just relax and have a good time. I've always thought of her as a model cause she's soo tall and skinny.(lucky cunt :]) Even though she's always told me to shut up when I'd mention the idea but anyways , she's a Ballar/Gangsta now who goes by the name of Lust now a days in some little crews known as CSA && F.F. yup yup. She doesn't take shit from no one and I mean no one. She's funny , crazy , loving , caring , pretty , she's the full package people are crazy not to love her. I know I do and always will. ONCE UPON A TiME... THERE WERE TWO GURLS.. WHO WERE BOTH VERY DiFFERENT... AND MAYBE iT WAS FOR THAT REASON THAT THEY DiD NOT LiKE EACH OTHER...OR MAYBE iT WAS SiMPLY JUST BECUZ DEY DiD NOT CARE TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER. BUT THERE WAS A TIME WHEN A XCERTAIN PERSON BROUGHT THEM BOTH TOGHETHER AND DEY GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER... AFTER A FEW MONTHS...DEY FiGURED OUT DAT ALTHO THEY WERE VERY DiFFERENT iN MANY WAYS, DEY ALSO HAD ALOT IN COMMON... DEY COULD RELATE TO EACH OTHER AND UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BETTER THAN MOST PPL COULD..AND DEY ALWAYS HAD FUN TOGHETHER... DATS WHY i WOULD NEVER TRADE MY WiFEY FOR ANY ONE ELSE... EVEN THO SOMETIMES I MIGHT NOT AGREE WITH HER REASONS, AND WE MIGHT FIGHT FOR STUPID REASONS BUT SHE KNOWS DAT IM ALWAYS GONNA BE THERE FOR HER WEN SHE NEEDS ME ... AND IM ALWAYS GONNA LOVE HER NO MATTER WHAT ... ITS LIKE ANY OTHER MARRIAGE...ITS NOT PERFECT BUT WE LOVE EACH OTHER AND WE MAKE IT WORK :)DiZ i ONE OF DA BEST STORiES EVER !!KRAZY & LUST FOREVER ! AGAiNTS DA FUKiN WORLD ! FUCK DA HATERZ !!Valeria. My Pretty/Sweet thang! I can say so much about her. That's what imma do.:) I've know her for like 4 months now.. it's a blessing from the sky to have Valeria as a friend. believe that. Man..i hope me and her could be friends...forever. If i'd to lose her.. i don't know what i'd do! she really is a blessing for me! I feel special cause.. she come to me for advise. and for someone to do that.. Man! It feel good. Valeria..my Sweety.. I hope the best for US. Hope the best for you in school. Now that you about to graduate. keep ya head up sweety, And to let you know im here for you, Whenever you need. we've only know each other 4 months.. but we can learn to trust each other and to be the bestest friends we can ever be! Well like i said.. I hope for the best between us Sweety! Miss ya Love ya. -Bryan :)UM-KAY!! Well I'VE KNOWN YOU FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS NOW AND UR VERY TIGHT, NIGGA!!! WELL YEAH IM GETTIN 2 KNOW YOU BETTER AND UR VERY COOL, AND :."HOPEFULLY WE STAY TIGHT TILL DA END".: : WELL WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY? UM IDK..UR TIGHT!!! NIGGA!!!LUV YA!!!! cartoon layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

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"Brown Influence Recordz Puttin it down For the BROWN, straight out of dat 661".. width="425" height="350" ....
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This be ma BEACH!!!MA LIL DEVIL SENT FROM ABOVE!! aint he cute?? with his litle mole!!! awwww... its on his lip... look!! me without him... it just doesnt work... i dunno what i would do without this kid... i mean who would i fight with... nobody like him!!:) were like buttcheeks stuck together!!...by the way he's the right one... (im the left!!!) hes ma love... my best friend... ma lil kid... and the biggest pain in the behind!!! but damn i love this kid!! :) ALWAYZ WILL NO MATTER WHAT!!! well... what to say bout this gurl right here... i could pretty much write a book bout her... this is ma other half... without this gurl i am incomplete... shes ma sister ... the one i can confide in... alwayz there... alwayz down... the one i can relate too... the only one i completely understand... and the only one that completely understands me!!! weve been thru soo much... and theres more to come... because this is ma partner in crime... alwayz together till death do us part wifey!!! I LOVE THIS GURL!!! she knows me inside n out... she knows what im thinkin without me even knowing... no one knows me better... she knows how i feel... cant hide nothing from her... me and her against the world... FOREVER AND ALWAYZ!!! there no other way i would want it!! LOVE YOU WIIFEY!!! MUAHZZ!!