The Falling Trees profile picture

The Falling Trees

About Me

**NEW** falling trees can be found on

The Falling Trees were formed in early 2006 out of the remnants of a band called Urine Luck and by borrowing several musicians from Ten Thousand Creatures. Despite some long hiatuses, they are now working on they're third album and playing shows wherever they can get them.

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My Interests


Member Since: 14/03/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The Falling Trees: m_AJ_ik--(vocals, guitar, clarinet, harmonica, piano, liu qin); ERIC--(bass guitar, album samples); NEIL--(drums, vocals, baglamas); SIMPLE PAT PIPER--(guitar, vocals, piano, erhu); ______--( _______ );the fallen trees (who are sometimes still falling): paul colosimo (guitar at one show), simple pat piper (mandolin, drums), andrew dzenis (drums, mandolin, cello, guitar and vocals), cameron harding (lead guitar), jeff stevens (drums, guitar, vocals), jacques mindreau (live violin a few shows), joel elliot, (trumpet at one show and on Shadow Puppets) and drew taylor (accordian on Shadow Puppets).
Influences: births, dirths, worths, wursts, worsts, curseds, firths, mirths, earth's, firsts, bursts, words, birds, heards, turds, curds, kurds, nerds, absurds, thirds, lourdes, herds, friends, bends, mends, trends, sends, lends, fiends, ends, nows, thens, depends, whens, beans, means, seens, leans, jeans, weans, sleans, gleans, screens, preens, scenes, beens, cleans, latrines, spleens, zines, machines, life, strife, fife, kife, lives, dives, thrives, derives, alives, hives, archives, wives, knives, strives, deprives, polka, polka dots, folk, folks, spokes, pokes, tokes, blokes, soaks, strokes, clokes, cloaks, jokes, chokes, smokes, blues, shoes, booze, dijeridoos, clues, moos, yous, do's, trues, lose, snooze, cruise, schmooze, flooze, wooze, uses, spruces, abuses, deuces, looses, bruces, truces, mooses, puces, recluses, concluses, deduces, induces, reduces, reuses, girls, squirrels, twirls, whirls, hurls, merles, curls, shirls, pearls, earls, rurals, recycles, unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, icicles, water cycles, carbon cycles, spin cycles, jazz, razz, spazz, glazz, razzamataz, bluegrass, green grass, brown grass, pass, mass, sass, lass, ass, gas, class, crass, glass, country, countries, city, town, up, down, round and round, to and fro and back again, rock 'n' roll, rocking roll, rolling, rocking, rolling over, rocking chairs that roll over, chairs, hairs, stairs, stares, glares, mares, mayors, bares, lairs, swears, bears, cares, shares, over theres, blares, wheres, theirs, they'res, pears, wares, wears, tears, rares, fares, pares, pairs, fairs, impairs, airs, norths, norse, course, force, source, resource, divorce, horse, of course, boris, grunge, grunges, plunges, sponges, ripes, stripes, gripes, pipes, wipes, tripes, hypes, types, yipes, noise, toys, ploys, employs, boys, soys, Oi!'s, trees, bees, knees, pees, peas, sees, ease, please, seas, gleas, glees, gris(s), fleas, ideas, i.d.'s, nietszches, parcheese, wheeze, sneeze, jeeze, cheese, quease, plants, ants, pants, slants, circumstance, chance, dance, stance, distance, glance, trance, can't's, cans, coulds, shoulds, woulds, dids, kids, lids, slids, hids, guitars, bars, fars, stars, scars, mars, cars, chars, wars, pars, hunger, unger, plunger, harmonicas, veronicas, monicas, hannukahs, skies, highs, lies, dies, dyes, eyes, wise, buys, bi's, why's, sighs, styes, pies, prys, prize, surmise, vise, ties, tyes, sties, sly's, alibis,cries, rise, ryes, my's, tries, spies, flies, despise, compromise, devise, arise, bugs, drugs, tugs, thugs, pugs, lugs, hugs, glugs, mugs, nugs, fishes, kisses, pisses, wishes, dishes, delicious, suspicious, nutritrious, malicious, trishes, missus, misses, niches, vicious, impious, rules, fools, duals, cools, cruels, pools, stools, schools, tools, jewels, duels, drools, boots, shoots, toots, hoots, brutes, cahoots, snoots, pollutes, canutes, cutes, roots, suits, jutes, 'tutes, zoots, loots, moots, astutes, homes, gnomes, poems, noams, loams, lomes, tomes, romes, roams, zygomes, om's, aums, pomes, chromes, domes, shows, grows, glows, blows, nose, knows, kos, flows, throws, bows, tows, slows, rows, stows, snows, doughs, close, doze, poes, po's, pro's, impose, belows, lows, mows, joes, moes, crows, ho's, bro's, yo's, toes, chose, those, clothes, sows, sews, so's, pose, flos, prose, maos, laos, bows, taos, cows, carouse, dows, nows, allows, ploughs, gauss, howes, pows, sows, brows, boughs, perouse, bloughs, strauss, chows, ows, plows, spouse, espouse, arouse, louses, klauses, mouses, houses, douses, grouses, crazys, lazys, tracys, daisies, crazes, tazes, dazes, fazes, blazes, hazes, vases, maizes, mazes, lazes, brazes, braises, chaises, gazes, glazes, frays, ways, stays, days, bays, gays, hays, heys, ches, sleighs, trays, kays, k's, aye's, fayes, jays, mays, plays, pays, nays, lays, leis, leighs, tres(s), spays, strays, says, sways, aways, yays, quays, phrase, silence, violence, reliance, alliance, compliance, foods, rudes, attitudes, prudes, lewds, shrewds, crudes, moods, true'ds, speweds, steweds, poo'ds, dreweds, druids, feets, feats, heats, beets, beats, seats, treats, meets, meats, sweets, sleets, keats, bleats, yeats, wheats, pleats, deletes, equality, infallibity, edibility, credibility, impeccability, ability, fragilty, mobility, integrity, draws, saws, claws, humhaws, paws, raws, wahs, straws, jaws, gnaws, schnawz, laws, bras, gauze, haus, cause, because, was, does, buzz, fuzz, 'cuz, cous', must, rust, dust, fussed, mussed, trust, pussed, cussed, gust, just, lust, punk, funk, junk, spunk, drunk, plunk, sunk, chunk, clunk, monk, thunk, bunk, trunk, stunk, b'junk, gunk, hunk, smiles, whiles, styles, stiles, hiels, chiles, miles, riles, piles, lyles, trials, kyles, biles, files, giles, niles, tiles, viles, thoughts, taughts, hots, spots slots, pots, bots, rots, dots, lots, forgots, nots, gots, trots, jots, cots, clots, plots, knots, aughts, oughts, soughts, watts, hands, bands, lands, zandts, sands, wands, demands, islands, stands, canneds, banneds, planneds, tanneds, oceans, potions, notions, motions, promotions, devotions, lotions, emotions, fasts, pasts, lasts, casts, chastes, rast's, contrasts, vasts, blasts, nast's, procrasts, masts, castes, parks, larks, marks, starks, harks, darks, quarks, barks, narks, lights, brights, flights, fights, whites, nights, plights, rights, heights, shites, shiites, bites, kites, lites, trites, sights, sites, polites, i mights, insights, delights, relights, mights, knights, tights, easts, beasts, yeasts, feasts, ceaseds, tristes, loves, aboves, gloves, doves, cloves, jimmies and gennies, pennies, henny pennys, manys, many a fenny, rains, pains, brains, insanes, drains, cranes, plains, planes, agains, mains, lanes, laynes, lains, wains, waynes, wanes, sprains, complains, fains, strains, stains, banes, bains, trains, jains, janes, keynes, canes, cains, feigns, reigns, kains, sustains, books, cooks, crooks, looks, rooks, hooks, tooks, b'jooks, nooks, shooks, mistooks, time, times, rhymes, sublimes, grimes, limes, mimes, dimes, primes, i'm's, iams, crimes, climes, climbs, blimes, chimes, vines, mines, dines, pines, fines, signs, wines, tines, turbines, aligns, shrines, lines, finds, binds, hinds, minds, blinds, kinds, winds, rinds, urges, surmerges, diverges, converges, splurges, purges, verges, surges, merges, dirges, burgess, funs, sons, suns, huns, wons, buns, puns, dones, guns, tonnes, nuns, stuns, runs, waters, plotters, otters, daughters, potters, rotters, fodders, fathers, farthers, farmers, framers, namers, shamers, rathers, bathers, mathers, mothers, druthers, others, brothers, s'uthers, cheers, beers, queers, steers, fears, nears, years, heres, lears, leers, ears, sneers, peers, jeers, we'res, rears, tears, stears, steers, gears, mirrors, bumps, thumps, trumps, humps, sump pumps, rumps, mumps, mugwumps, stumps, dumps, chumps, plumps, gumps, hums, mums, moms, dumbs, bums, bumbs, sums, numbs, plums, plumbs, thumbs, rums, drums, gums, slums, glums, cums, crumbs, chums, scums,yums, becomes, fires, wires, pliers, myres, sires, desires, hires, buyers, cryers, tryers, flyers, tires, shires, pyres, fryers, dyers, ayers, basses, faces, places, maces, erases, chases, laces, vases, paces, races, graces, glaciers, cases, ages, sages, pages, cages, rages, wages, yages, stages, gages, outbacks, backs, jacks, tracks, whacks, cracks, lacks, max, yacks, wax, zacks, zax, sax, jax, flax, tacks, blacks, slacks, pracs, tax, racks, packs, sacks, kerouacs, bracks, kayacs, knacks, smacks, snacks, relax, tamaracs, tabernacs, vacs, hacks, kacks, facts, acts, tracts, pacts, tacts, intacts, interacts, counteracts, attracts, retracts, protracts, graves, knaves, saves, waves, daves, craves, paves, staves, raves, shaves, caves, gaves, bathes, lathes, needs, weeds, seeds, deeds, feeds, bleeds, treeds, heeds, creeds, peeds, impedes, steeds, beads, meads, leads, leeds, freeds, reeds, reads, greeds, fleeds, horns, thorns, corns, warns, borns, zorns, porns, yorns, jorns, torns, shorns, changes, ranges, arranges, rearranges, phlanges, deranges, stranges, anges, ganges, yangtzes, voices, choices, rejoices, invoices, tongues, rungs, lungs, dungs, sungs, hungs, bungs, rungs, slungs, jungs, kungs, fungs, youngs, chungs, gardens, pardons, hardens, hardons, ardens, herdons, farms, marms, charms, harms, alarms, pharms, karm's, dharm's, warms, swarms, majik, magic, splagic, wagic, tragic, endelagic, protragic, fajik, majestic, majestwick, majestrick, majesticool, dangles, protrangles, mangles, angles, bangles, tangles, strangles, spangles, pets, bets, lets, gets, sets, jets, nets, yets, mets, tourettes, wets, vets, sweats, cigarettes, debts, regrets, forgets, leaves, thieves, retrieves, believes, eves, weaves, reeves, sleeves, peeves, jeeves, heaves, cleaves, smarts, hearts, farts, charts, parts, barts, warts, marts, carts, harts, arts, darts, starts, tarts, restarts, masses, glasses, passes, asses, classes, chassis, prassis, lasses, gasses, mollasses, hailasses, hashs, trashs, bashs, clashs, flashs, gnashs, dashs, mashs, nashs, lashes, ashes, smashs, crashs, cashs, gashs, sashs, passions, daschunds, fashions, vachons, (mis)directions, erections, elections, inspections, (im)perceptions, interceptions, receptions, collections, rejections, infections, affections, effections, deflections, corrections, (dis)connections, (im)perfections, sections, travels, gravels, unravels, lavels, gavels, shovels, hovels, bagels, hegels, haggles, sigils, wiggles, wriggles, giggles, jiggles, shingles, dingles, singles, tingles, mingles, jingles, wastes, hastes, pastes, tastes, bastes, sounds, founds, grounds, mounds, pounds, bounds, rounds, arounds, astounds, drowns, towns, downs, clowns, browns, crowns, crayons, senses, fences, pretenses, tenses, censures, benches, wenches, stenches, henches, trenches, journeys, gurneys, turn-ies, burn-ies, churn-ies, dreams, seems, seams, beams, gleams, reams, teams, deems, themes, creams, fates, hates, lates, weights, waits, nates, freights, dates, mates, exterminates, germinates, pollenates, fornicates, masturbates, procreates, procrastinates, deviates, creates, recreates, demonstrates, retrobates, plates, rates, traits, kates, portraits, gates, states, overstates, understates, awaits, baits, saturates, polyunsaturates, carbonates, mediates, immediates, pirates, pilates, alleviates, beginnings, winnings, sinnings, endings, bendings, pretendings, amendings, dependings, descendings, acscendings, neverendings, blendings, mendings, suspendings, blesses, hesses, chesses, tresses, messes, guesses., presses, yes's, tests, bests, chests, breasts, pests, nests, lests, jests, crests, est(s), fests, guests, quests, vests, zests, yest's, rests, wests, deaths, seths, beths, lefts, lethe, breaths,...(ad infinum)... HEY, AREN"T WE SUPPOSED TO BE INFLUENCING YOU?
Sounds Like: Trying to describe how music sounds is like dancing to try and describe architecture... (see 'members')
Record Label: none/distribution by hand c/o Shoestring Music
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New songs up this week probly, album release sometime this summer.

Wow, remember myspace?! Yeah, we've been slack about updates and stuff, but there should be some exciting news on the way. And the album will be finished soon. Cheers
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 14:10:00 GMT

new tracks up

hey, we have a new album almost finished... we're just finalizing some segues, random bits of sound and music, and the final mixing and mastering. I've put some demo versions up for your listening ple...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 12:10:00 GMT

New album soon

hey all. we have been working on a new album with new stuff you haven't heard yet. soon to be available. in the meantime we'll be keeping majik majik. check out the "porch rats" featuring some of the ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 18:54:00 GMT

Check out this event: The Falling Trees @ Smilling Buddhas Apr. 19

Hosted By: The Falling Trees When: Apr 19, 2008 8:00 PMWhere: Smiling Buddha's961 College (west of Dovercourt)Toronto, Ontario|52 CanadaDescription:The Falling Trees Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:03:00 GMT

second hiatus over -- Yaay expect in the near future: new songs, a new album, lots more shows, patches and maybe shirts, vegetable gardens, house parties, maybe a live-to-air radio appearance, Spring!
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:30:00 GMT

second hiatus -- Boo

Yeah, hi. Second hiatus is on top of us, as members of our merry tribe go overseas. Don't fret, we'll all be back in February with new song(s), and hopefully an album that you can listen to. And lots ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 21:11:00 GMT


Hello, there is a new album of pictures of the Falling Trees playing live on Friday. You should check them out. I'd have more to say but I gotta go now.peace
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:09:00 GMT


Hey, Montreal was awesome. Thanks to 10,000 Creatures for the music and places to sleep, and Barn Owl for the music and fun. And Toronto peeps, if you feel left out for missing us playing for the firs...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:11:00 GMT

Theres nothing more dangerous than being afraid...

Yesterday I picked up a hitchhiker. I hitchhike a lot so I had to. It was dark and cold. He was standing in a place with no light and not wearing a jacket. I couldn't take him all the way to where he ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 07:14:00 GMT

Good news for people who like booze snooze

OK, after more than a year of exploratin' conjugatin' (no really, we were English teachers!) and etc. all of the Falling Trees members are generally scattered in a nearby place. New songs/imagery/mani...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 07:08:00 GMT