Member Since: 14/03/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The Falling Trees:
m_AJ_ik--(vocals, guitar, clarinet, harmonica, piano, liu qin);
ERIC--(bass guitar, album samples);
NEIL--(drums, vocals, baglamas);
SIMPLE PAT PIPER--(guitar, vocals, piano, erhu);
______--( _______ );the fallen trees (who are sometimes still falling):
paul colosimo (guitar at one show), simple pat piper (mandolin, drums), andrew dzenis (drums, mandolin, cello, guitar and vocals), cameron harding (lead guitar), jeff stevens (drums, guitar, vocals), jacques mindreau (live violin a few shows), joel elliot, (trumpet at one show and on Shadow Puppets) and drew taylor (accordian on Shadow Puppets).
Influences: births, dirths, worths, wursts, worsts, curseds, firths, mirths, earth's, firsts, bursts, words, birds, heards, turds, curds, kurds, nerds, absurds, thirds, lourdes, herds, friends, bends, mends, trends, sends, lends, fiends, ends, nows, thens, depends, whens, beans, means, seens, leans, jeans, weans, sleans, gleans, screens, preens, scenes, beens, cleans, latrines, spleens, zines, machines, life, strife, fife, kife, lives, dives, thrives, derives, alives, hives, archives, wives, knives, strives, deprives, polka, polka dots, folk, folks, spokes, pokes, tokes, blokes, soaks, strokes, clokes, cloaks, jokes, chokes, smokes, blues, shoes, booze, dijeridoos, clues, moos, yous, do's, trues, lose, snooze, cruise, schmooze, flooze, wooze, uses, spruces, abuses, deuces, looses, bruces, truces, mooses, puces, recluses, concluses, deduces, induces, reduces, reuses, girls, squirrels, twirls, whirls, hurls, merles, curls, shirls, pearls, earls, rurals, recycles, unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, icicles, water cycles, carbon cycles, spin cycles, jazz, razz, spazz, glazz, razzamataz, bluegrass, green grass, brown grass, pass, mass, sass, lass, ass, gas, class, crass, glass, country, countries, city, town, up, down, round and round, to and fro and back again, rock 'n' roll, rocking roll, rolling, rocking, rolling over, rocking chairs that roll over, chairs, hairs, stairs, stares, glares, mares, mayors, bares, lairs, swears, bears, cares, shares, over theres, blares, wheres, theirs, they'res, pears, wares, wears, tears, rares, fares, pares, pairs, fairs, impairs, airs, norths, norse, course, force, source, resource, divorce, horse, of course, boris, grunge, grunges, plunges, sponges, ripes, stripes, gripes, pipes, wipes, tripes, hypes, types, yipes, noise, toys, ploys, employs, boys, soys, Oi!'s, trees, bees, knees, pees, peas, sees, ease, please, seas, gleas, glees, gris(s), fleas, ideas, i.d.'s, nietszches, parcheese, wheeze, sneeze, jeeze, cheese, quease, plants, ants, pants, slants, circumstance, chance, dance, stance, distance, glance, trance, can't's, cans, coulds, shoulds, woulds, dids, kids, lids, slids, hids, guitars, bars, fars, stars, scars, mars, cars, chars, wars, pars, hunger, unger, plunger, harmonicas, veronicas, monicas, hannukahs, skies, highs, lies, dies, dyes, eyes, wise, buys, bi's, why's, sighs, styes, pies, prys, prize, surmise, vise, ties, tyes, sties, sly's, alibis,cries, rise, ryes, my's, tries, spies, flies, despise, compromise, devise, arise, bugs, drugs, tugs, thugs, pugs, lugs, hugs, glugs, mugs, nugs, fishes, kisses, pisses, wishes, dishes, delicious, suspicious, nutritrious, malicious, trishes, missus, misses, niches, vicious, impious, rules, fools, duals, cools, cruels, pools, stools, schools, tools, jewels, duels, drools, boots, shoots, toots, hoots, brutes, cahoots, snoots, pollutes, canutes, cutes, roots, suits, jutes, 'tutes, zoots, loots, moots, astutes, homes, gnomes, poems, noams, loams, lomes, tomes, romes, roams, zygomes, om's, aums, pomes, chromes, domes, shows, grows, glows, blows, nose, knows, kos, flows, throws, bows, tows, slows, rows, stows, snows, doughs, close, doze, poes, po's, pro's, impose, belows, lows, mows, joes, moes, crows, ho's, bro's, yo's, toes, chose, those, clothes, sows, sews, so's, pose, flos, prose, maos, laos, bows, taos, cows, carouse, dows, nows, allows, ploughs, gauss, howes, pows, sows, brows, boughs, perouse, bloughs, strauss, chows, ows, plows, spouse, espouse, arouse, louses, klauses, mouses, houses, douses, grouses, crazys, lazys, tracys, daisies, crazes, tazes, dazes, fazes, blazes, hazes, vases, maizes, mazes, lazes, brazes, braises, chaises, gazes, glazes, frays, ways, stays, days, bays, gays, hays, heys, ches, sleighs, trays, kays, k's, aye's, fayes, jays, mays, plays, pays, nays, lays, leis, leighs, tres(s), spays, strays, says, sways, aways, yays, quays, phrase, silence, violence, reliance, alliance, compliance, foods, rudes, attitudes, prudes, lewds, shrewds, crudes, moods, true'ds, speweds, steweds, poo'ds, dreweds, druids, feets, feats, heats, beets, beats, seats, treats, meets, meats, sweets, sleets, keats, bleats, yeats, wheats, pleats, deletes, equality, infallibity, edibility, credibility, impeccability, ability, fragilty, mobility, integrity, draws, saws, claws, humhaws, paws, raws, wahs, straws, jaws, gnaws, schnawz, laws, bras, gauze, haus, cause, because, was, does, buzz, fuzz, 'cuz, cous', must, rust, dust, fussed, mussed, trust, pussed, cussed, gust, just, lust, punk, funk, junk, spunk, drunk, plunk, sunk, chunk, clunk, monk, thunk, bunk, trunk, stunk, b'junk, gunk, hunk, smiles, whiles, styles, stiles, hiels, chiles, miles, riles, piles, lyles, trials, kyles, biles, files, giles, niles, tiles, viles, thoughts, taughts, hots, spots slots, pots, bots, rots, dots, lots, forgots, nots, gots, trots, jots, cots, clots, plots, knots, aughts, oughts, soughts, watts, hands, bands, lands, zandts, sands, wands, demands, islands, stands, canneds, banneds, planneds, tanneds, oceans, potions, notions, motions, promotions, devotions, lotions, emotions, fasts, pasts, lasts, casts, chastes, rast's, contrasts, vasts, blasts, nast's, procrasts, masts, castes, parks, larks, marks, starks, harks, darks, quarks, barks, narks, lights, brights, flights, fights, whites, nights, plights, rights, heights, shites, shiites, bites, kites, lites, trites, sights, sites, polites, i mights, insights, delights, relights, mights, knights, tights, easts, beasts, yeasts, feasts, ceaseds, tristes, loves, aboves, gloves, doves, cloves, jimmies and gennies, pennies, henny pennys, manys, many a fenny, rains, pains, brains, insanes, drains, cranes, plains, planes, agains, mains, lanes, laynes, lains, wains, waynes, wanes, sprains, complains, fains, strains, stains, banes, bains, trains, jains, janes, keynes, canes, cains, feigns, reigns, kains, sustains, books, cooks, crooks, looks, rooks, hooks, tooks, b'jooks, nooks, shooks, mistooks, time, times, rhymes, sublimes, grimes, limes, mimes, dimes, primes, i'm's, iams, crimes, climes, climbs, blimes, chimes, vines, mines, dines, pines, fines, signs, wines, tines, turbines, aligns, shrines, lines, finds, binds, hinds, minds, blinds, kinds, winds, rinds, urges, surmerges, diverges, converges, splurges, purges, verges, surges, merges, dirges, burgess, funs, sons, suns, huns, wons, buns, puns, dones, guns, tonnes, nuns, stuns, runs, waters, plotters, otters, daughters, potters, rotters, fodders, fathers, farthers, farmers, framers, namers, shamers, rathers, bathers, mathers, mothers, druthers, others, brothers, s'uthers, cheers, beers, queers, steers, fears, nears, years, heres, lears, leers, ears, sneers, peers, jeers, we'res, rears, tears, stears, steers, gears, mirrors, bumps, thumps, trumps, humps, sump pumps, rumps, mumps, mugwumps, stumps, dumps, chumps, plumps, gumps, hums, mums, moms, dumbs, bums, bumbs, sums, numbs, plums, plumbs, thumbs, rums, drums, gums, slums, glums, cums, crumbs, chums, scums,yums, becomes, fires, wires, pliers, myres, sires, desires, hires, buyers, cryers, tryers, flyers, tires, shires, pyres, fryers, dyers, ayers, basses, faces, places, maces, erases, chases, laces, vases, paces, races, graces, glaciers, cases, ages, sages, pages, cages, rages, wages, yages, stages, gages, outbacks, backs, jacks, tracks, whacks, cracks, lacks, max, yacks, wax, zacks, zax, sax, jax, flax, tacks, blacks, slacks, pracs, tax, racks, packs, sacks, kerouacs, bracks, kayacs, knacks, smacks, snacks, relax, tamaracs, tabernacs, vacs, hacks, kacks, facts, acts, tracts, pacts, tacts, intacts, interacts, counteracts, attracts, retracts, protracts, graves, knaves, saves, waves, daves, craves, paves, staves, raves, shaves, caves, gaves, bathes, lathes, needs, weeds, seeds, deeds, feeds, bleeds, treeds, heeds, creeds, peeds, impedes, steeds, beads, meads, leads, leeds, freeds, reeds, reads, greeds, fleeds, horns, thorns, corns, warns, borns, zorns, porns, yorns, jorns, torns, shorns, changes, ranges, arranges, rearranges, phlanges, deranges, stranges, anges, ganges, yangtzes, voices, choices, rejoices, invoices, tongues, rungs, lungs, dungs, sungs, hungs, bungs, rungs, slungs, jungs, kungs, fungs, youngs, chungs, gardens, pardons, hardens, hardons, ardens, herdons, farms, marms, charms, harms, alarms, pharms, karm's, dharm's, warms, swarms, majik, magic, splagic, wagic, tragic, endelagic, protragic, fajik, majestic, majestwick, majestrick, majesticool, dangles, protrangles, mangles, angles, bangles, tangles, strangles, spangles, pets, bets, lets, gets, sets, jets, nets, yets, mets, tourettes, wets, vets, sweats, cigarettes, debts, regrets, forgets, leaves, thieves, retrieves, believes, eves, weaves, reeves, sleeves, peeves, jeeves, heaves, cleaves, smarts, hearts, farts, charts, parts, barts, warts, marts, carts, harts, arts, darts, starts, tarts, restarts, masses, glasses, passes, asses, classes, chassis, prassis, lasses, gasses, mollasses, hailasses, hashs, trashs, bashs, clashs, flashs, gnashs, dashs, mashs, nashs, lashes, ashes, smashs, crashs, cashs, gashs, sashs, passions, daschunds, fashions, vachons, (mis)directions, erections, elections, inspections, (im)perceptions, interceptions, receptions, collections, rejections, infections, affections, effections, deflections, corrections, (dis)connections, (im)perfections, sections, travels, gravels, unravels, lavels, gavels, shovels, hovels, bagels, hegels, haggles, sigils, wiggles, wriggles, giggles, jiggles, shingles, dingles, singles, tingles, mingles, jingles, wastes, hastes, pastes, tastes, bastes, sounds, founds, grounds, mounds, pounds, bounds, rounds, arounds, astounds, drowns, towns, downs, clowns, browns, crowns, crayons, senses, fences, pretenses, tenses, censures, benches, wenches, stenches, henches, trenches, journeys, gurneys, turn-ies, burn-ies, churn-ies, dreams, seems, seams, beams, gleams, reams, teams, deems, themes, creams, fates, hates, lates, weights, waits, nates, freights, dates, mates, exterminates, germinates, pollenates, fornicates, masturbates, procreates, procrastinates, deviates, creates, recreates, demonstrates, retrobates, plates, rates, traits, kates, portraits, gates, states, overstates, understates, awaits, baits, saturates, polyunsaturates, carbonates, mediates, immediates, pirates, pilates, alleviates, beginnings, winnings, sinnings, endings, bendings, pretendings, amendings, dependings, descendings, acscendings, neverendings, blendings, mendings, suspendings, blesses, hesses, chesses, tresses, messes, guesses., presses, yes's, tests, bests, chests, breasts, pests, nests, lests, jests, crests, est(s), fests, guests, quests, vests, zests, yest's, rests, wests, deaths, seths, beths, lefts, lethe, breaths,...(ad infinum)...
Sounds Like: Trying to describe how music sounds is like dancing to try and describe architecture... (see 'members')
Record Label: none/distribution by hand c/o Shoestring Music
Type of Label: Unsigned