Ry profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi all! First up, an explanation if you've been redirected here via my www.byry.com.au addy- site's currently under development, so here's what's in its place in the meantime. Thought I'd make use of myspace's pretty decent slideshow feature and there are a bunch on this page (which yay! Means no log-in required). Anyway, keep checking back, and I'll try to let everyone know when the site's up. Taa! :)
If you're based somewhere between Brisbane, Gold Coast or the Sunshine Coast and you've got a photography requirement, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] or drop me a myspace message to have a chat or get a quote. Haven't had requests that require much more travel, but all options will be considered. You can probably get a feel for the sort of photography I do, but if you don't see it here and you're thinking it's probably unusual, don't worry.. I've had a fair few pretty varied assignments. ;)
I guess I specialise in performers and promotional material. If you're into fire performance, contact juggling, juggling, stage, pixies and fairies- you've found your photographer ;). I also enjoy my landscapes; they often document the adventures I've found myself lucky enough to go on- if you like any of the ones from my folio, they should be available to purchase.
Events, performers, promotions, the odd wedding, landscapes.. If you want a couple of good shots of your pets to put on the wall or mantlepiece.. drop me a line. I also give affordable photography lessons- if there's a particular shot you've been trying to get but haven't been able to figure it out, if you want to get better shots with your own camera or just want to understand what the heck's happening, if you need software/hardware tips, if you're compiling your own folio or just need someone to bounce ideas off, drop me a line at [email protected] and we'll work something out around your schedule.
If you *really* like my work and want do do something to help me along, I'm also accepting donations/sponsorship or even a good piece of wisdom/advice anytime ;) I'm trying to get this business off the ground and hope that it'll be able to sustain itself and pay all the bills soon. I think I'm not too shabby with the photography bit (pretty humble too, apparently..har!), but I'm only just learning about the self-promotion side of it all. Not very good at it I've found.
Right then! Enough of the businessy kerfuffle. What else can I say about Ry.. occasionally talks about himself in third person.. and stuff. I'd have the spiel about succumbing to this myspace doo, but I'm pretty sure every third person is expected to say that.. Good things come in three ya?
About me, I finished a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Art & Visual Culture, Television, Digital Media) at Queensland University of Technology a couple of years ago, passed some time working at TAFE (education sector.. me.. who'dve thunk it), and being a part-time freelancing photographer.. Had a bit of a stint in real estate photography- mm houses. Inspiring!! Not really, but hey lol. Was wondering how long I could distract my creative muse for. Currently.. back to a 9 to 5er with a wonderful team.. doing the day to day thing to fund the fun. Anyways. Much love, drop me a line!
So yes, photography- my cameras.. my love.. I take photos. Can't get enough. Some people say if you think about it, it's a sure way to at least get a keeper or two! And after all these years, that 'keeper vs. that's-rubbish-mate ratio' is getting better. Always work in progress.
Hmm what else. I've got my toe in everything it seems. I dance with fire. Sometimes. It's nice making a statement like that once in a while, and not really thinking about the come uppance. Inspired by my talented animator friend Ms Katie Steed, I somehow found myself tangled in chains with hungry balls of flame ready to devour me.. And the rest was history.
I keep good company here in Brisbane. My friends seem to be found suicidally skating down mountains and/or traffic, or traffic on mountains, doing lush pixie fire performances for crowds with jaws agape, going for long bushwalks then abseilling down waterfalls, or perhaps sitting on a 12 foot tall unicycle while juggling a basketball, a toilet plunger and a flaming torch (Terry, this could only be you.), going to the odd psychedelic doof in the bush every now and then (if you're not from around these parts, that could sound somewhat inappropriate lol.), and my housemate of the moment's a genetic epidemiologist (tells me things I never knew I always wanted to know).
I play the guitar (like every? Yes, that's right- third person), and bought an alto saxophone thinking I'd be able to teach myself.. I can make a sound, how's that?
Yeah. And stuff. Lots of stuff.. if you want to know, just ask. x
ps. Yes! Favourite words- dulcet and balletic. Though I personally, am anything but either. If it helps you, you may think I am.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Kate Kelton- artist, writer, actor, muse extraordinaire!! ♥ :) Pekka Kuusisto- just watched 4 and I really like some of the things you said.. Jörg Gründler - http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=235480 - Your photography has always been an inspiration. Imogen Heap - You and your harmoniser made a 3 minute track that had me listening for 3 hours. Obviously a special soul! Simon Posford and Raja Ram.. I love your aural landscapes. Kelly Haigh Chet Atkins (too late) Michel Gondry! Björk- how could you not be in a list like this. :D Angie Hart - your cheeky grin is the best cheeky grin of all. Stephen Wiltshire- gifted!! Robert Muraine Scott Kelby Hayao Miyazaki Norah Jones Marin Hinkle Egon Schiele (too late) Sylvia Plath (too late) Amadeo Modigliani (too late) Omara Portuondo Nagi Noda Christopher Walken

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My Blog

Where am I??

So it's been quite a while since I've updated this blog- thought I should spruce up the place a bit. So yes, as you can tell from the topic, my online time's a bit spread out!It seems like facebook is...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 05:49:00 GMT

Nearly the worst day of my entire life.. Phew.

Went out to Cedar Creek today with Keira for a bit of crisp winter air.. a snap or two maybe. "I wonder how cold the water is.." I hear her say. I wander over to the mini waterfall bit to test it. My ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 08:39:00 GMT

Green architecture

Not much of a bloggy blog post this time, just an old link I refound and had to share. I think more buildings should have grass rooves.. :DLinky!
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 06:29:00 GMT

Solar Eclipse! Australia, South Eastern States Feb 7 2008

Details Eclipse info..Hey all.. eyes to the sky tomorrow!! Apparently!:)
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:55:00 GMT

Ry vs The giant marshmallow with wheels.

So. I've recently figured out how to drive a van would you believe. It's been a bit hectic swopping between Lola and this Mitsubishi van thing work's given me (til the Suzuki Swift comes in March..)- ...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:06:00 GMT

Is it just me or is 2008 coming up like a speeding tree..

Only two weeks to go til Woodford! Yes I know Xmas is coming round as well, but Woodford!! Note to self, get organised.Oh December.. flurry of flurries! The next couple weeks are hectic.. Somehow, the...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 01:33:00 GMT

Today the universe decided to snap me out of my loop with a bit of style

This post is about this:http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,229224 03-3102,00.htmlSo after a few months of just being somewhat sideways and forgetting myself, today was one of those days t...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:20:00 GMT

Starlight Lola the bushbashing EK1 & Kit the Amazing Magic Statue Cat

Hi all, just wanted to share a photo with everyone!Took my car out bush on the weekend.. had a camping (read: front seats folded down, double mattress in the back.. for couple days) type weekend at a ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 23:59:00 GMT

To market to market..

So, a bit of newsy news today- after 6 months of working for Brisbane North Institute of TAFE, my contract's ending tomorrow and it is time to look for a new job. The dream of full-time professional p...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 19:49:00 GMT

Que sera sera..

Yet another Friday presents itself- the motion blur blends the week's colours into a wet weather grey, very conducive to simultaneously making and enjoying pillow/doonah nests. Not so good f...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 19:43:00 GMT