fragments of four(r.i.p) profile picture

fragments of four(r.i.p)

We see the world in black and white

About Me

From the beginning of each and every band there is always a concept for a certain sound each person in said “band” strives for, now this sound is sometimes hard to find, sometimes it isn’t, it completely depends on the group of people who will derive this sound. This is the story of how our sound was found.
In 2005, many things came to an end Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston called their relationship quits. The famous comedian that taught us “There's a thin line between to laugh with and to laugh at.” Richard Pryor passed away. As well, Thunder Bay local band, A SOUL ONCE SHELTERED threw in the towel. YES, YES I know in comparison to the last two examples this seems very menial, but to a musician it might as well be the same. Now disbanding left singer Mike Armenti, and drummer Aaron Gee bandless, and for any musician that has ever played in any sort of band knows how unbelievably horrible this feeling is. But this same exact feeling also gives complete motivation to get the ball rolling in the right direction, the next project, the question you have to ask, do you want to continue playing the same style of music that you have known in the previous band, or do you want to try your hand at something new, something that is close to you, something you know you will be proud of. We decided to look for a group of dudes that weren’t any way shape or form sketchy, and that could hold down their weapon of choice.
Around this time Matt Breiland, a man many know for his child like good looks and passed bands such as korova, avs, and vaya, stepped down as bassist for local Thunder Bay band TREE BURNING. Because as much as he loved rocking the bass, the guitar was also a passion of his and he wanted to start a project where he could try his hand as wank master guitar gangster.
Meanwhile back at the Mike and Gee camp, many faces visited the boys jam space to get this project under way. Now at one point the boys were jamming with a great guy who we will call “the spelling bee champion of the universe”, or tSBCofU for short. Now tSBCofU and the boys had recently heard that Matt had called it a day with Tree Burning, so they gotz ta talking with him, and he said he would definitely come down and try out as a bassist for the group. The jam actually had a really great vibe, ideas were being bounced all over the room, lets try this, lets do that, just a jumbled together piece of awesome. At one point during the jam Matt said he actually had a few guitar riffs lying around if tSBCofU wanted to use them. Matt stepped up, showed a riff to the boys of such amazing tone and epic value, that instantly the boys knew Matt had to put down the four string, and pick up the six. The following weeks had many jams, and good times, but the group lost one of their men. The spelling bee champion of the universe entered a local gr. 6 spelling bee competition and could not spell EMO, which was odd?(jks love you fortin man) And was never to be seen again.
Alas 3 men, a singer, a guitar player, and drummer do not a rockband make. They were rocking the block like no ones business, but one question remained, who will hold down the 4 string low blow of power? Trust me, in this fair city of ours, this is a very hard task to accomplish. But Hark! Mark Haessler or as many of his backstage betties may call him “the stormin Mormon”, played bass, in fact Mark played bass like Bobby Brown on crack, a friggen mad man. At this point Mark is what you would call a closet bassist, at the point where he had played bass for many a year, people knew about it, but he just never got to shine in a band setting. Matt and Mark, both being aspiring film students at Confederation College, had crossed paths on many occasions, talking of worldly issues, love, fine wine, and other things only pretentious film students would talk about. One day they had bounced around the idea of Mark coming out to try out for Matts previously held spot as bass player. It was the same thing as when Matt tried out for the band, just one of those lovely feelings you get in your gut when you know, you found it, this is it, this is going to be our baby, this is going to be something we love no matter how it looks to other people, something we will have fun with, and something that with much time ahead of us will hopefully evolve into everything we hoped this group could be.
Now after almost a year under our belts, these four handsome individuals have come together as the group you know as “FRAGMENTS OF FOUR”, and had the pleasure to meet so many amazingly awesome people so far. As well we have had the opportunity to share the stage with many bands we love, and look up to such as BOYS NIGHT OUT, Yesterdays Rising, IDLE SONS, the stiletto formal, the receiving end of sirens, kincaide, and many more. As well we have just recently recorded our first full-length record that is currently being mixed by “STALE CAVEMAN RECORDS”, which will be due out early 2007.
Love always;
Fragments of Four

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: click on pics below to get individual profiles:

mike armenti

aaron gee

matt breiland

mark haessler

samual l. jackson

Influences: He Is Legend, Deftones, Coheed And Cambria, Thrice, Tool, Beloved
Sounds Like: an orgy of sounds and feelings
Record Label: yes please
Type of Label: None

My Blog

the thank you list. read me.

i would like to thank anyone that CAME out and supported our last show lastnight, you all seriously rock.Now for some thanks:Tyler - thanks for giving us some sweet shows over the year, not just that ...
Posted by fragments of four(r.i.p) on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:50:00 PST