sports (yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!) , books (i'm writting novelas) , travel ( my last trip was in brasil , that was so crazy dude!!!!! a vida loca papy)music: bleus , some nice jazz , hip hop music ( my main kayne wizzle and d.o.g.g.) etc...
anyone intressted in my profil espacialy crazy girls hahahahahahahaha
in france we have a card , a special card wich allow you seeing as much film as you want it's simply unllimited and i get that card hihihihihih
envoyé par comicstreettv
deano- les blancs ne savent pas danser
envoyé par 270kmh
Danseur Hors norme
envoyé par cosmosam
i recently discovered a tv show (not raelly recently) arrested development, i love that show , you have to watch it, that is the same humour of the simpsons tv show but for real , to hard to explain as it was said earlier you have to watch it
Tetes a claques - Le Body Toner
envoyé par motiontwelve
envoyé par Phang93
Tete a claques capitaine kung fu
envoyé par dextrarine
Dave chapelle -killing them softly 1
envoyé par YaBoy2007
Dave chapelle -killing them softly 2
envoyé par YaBoy2007
Dave chapelle -killing them softly 3
envoyé par YaBoy2007
dave chapelle's show - black bush
envoyé par LilQ
Chapelle's Show Rick James - DVDRIP
envoyé par Ergen
Dave Chapelle Show - Nigga Please Cereal
envoyé par yaz12
envoyé par diddy47
The Boondocks 01 [Vostfr ]
envoyé par Crazy-Demon
i'm in the process of writting something big ( or not) but i'm not able to focus on writting novelas , i need space , i need quiet, what else do i need? i do need some focus
my heroes , hummm captain Africa and captain Paris