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Lachlan Horne

The Horne Supremacy

About Me

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Lachlan Horne

I am a singer, songwriter, guitarist currently based in Hampshire, UK, who earns his living by teaching and playing guitar and singing my songs to whoever will listen. I first started playing when I was fourteen years old and started writing songs at the same time. I have spent many years working on the UK pub and club circuit in a variety of acts including Too Many Words, No Idea, What About Us? and Funky Fluid. I have played along side many prestigious musicians including Darrin Mooney of Primal Scream fame. I have also spent a year in Australia where I worked as part of the successful Queensland based band Club Crunch. In 2004 I released an instrumental rock guitar album entitled The Time Has Come. The album has received rave reviews and the music has been used for various radio commercials, media projects and even as the theme on a rollercoaster! I currently manage a hectic teaching schedule when I’m not recording my music and gigging with my band.

The Horne Supremacy - Side One

My new 2007 release, The Horne Supremacy - Side One is the first in a two part album which showcases six of my new songs. If you like the three songs on my profile you can now download two songs from the music page of my web site for free! Just follow this link to help yourself - FREE DOWNLOADS!

To download the other songs just go to iTunes or by clicking on these links:-

Buy mp3 At

The Time Has Come

If you like the instrumental music from my 2004 album The Time Has Come you can buy the CD by clicking on the link below or get the downloads from the ’Sounds Like’ section of my profile.

$10.00 (plus $2.00 p+p worldwide)

Need Convincing? Okay here’s some press ... "It’s a good hard rocking album with rock solid riffs" Fireworks

“a fantastic guitarist he is indeed and far better than many” Powerplay

“Riffs and solos pour from Lachlan’s fingers with an ease that should make the competition weep …… a name to catch for true rockers everywhere”

“"The Time Has Come" is 11 tracks of a guitar freak’s wet dream with Metal, Blues, Prog-Rock, Funk, Fusion and Jazz. The main glue that hold this altogether is the awesome rhythms this guy comes up with. There’s enough here to keep you busy for the duration of the 49 minutes; the music is diverse and fresh with no real repetition of riffs or chords constantly...The time has come for you to check it out for yourself.”
“A very talented guitarist.”
Fret Net radio show on PBS 106.7 FM, Australia

“splendid confirmation of Horne’s stature as a rising guitar hero.”
Music Web Express

“Horne kicks things into overdrive with his blazing guitar solos, cunning guitar tricks and rock-solid riffs."
20th Century Guitar

"This album is an inspiration to all guitar players" Metamorphosis Indonesia Magazine

Join the mailing list

We can be so much more than just friends!

Just click here or e-mail us at [email protected] and send us your name to join the mailing list and don’t worry - your e-mail address will be passed on to NOBODY! We hate spam so your e-mail will only be used to let you know about any forthcoming events, gigs, tours etc. that relate to Lachlan Horne and his music and nothing else!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Band Members

Lachlan Horne: Guitar and Vocals

Ali Hamilton: Bass Guitar

Tim Guille: Drums

Influences: Influences

Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Steve Morse, Richie Kotzen, Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Lenny Kravitz, The Darkness, Guns N Roses, Thin Lizzy, Velvet Revolver, Stevie Salas, Cream, Eric Clapton, Deep Purple, The Beatles, Paul McCartney,The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, INXS, Andy Timmons, Eric Johnson, Steely Dan, Level 42, Mark King, It Bites, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, U2, JET, Yes, Frank Gambale, Queen, Frank Zappa, Dire Straits, Coldplay, Motley Crue, Fleetwood Mac, Alabama 3, Janes Addiction ...... There is definitely more but I can't think of them right now.

Sounds Like: Lachlan Horne's Music

The Horne Supremacy - Side One:

If you like the songs on my profile check out : The Horne Supremacy - Side One. It's the first in a two part download only album which showcases six of my new songs. : : You can now download all six tracks from iTunes or get the MP3s from But don't forget to try out the MP3 freebies from the music page of my web site first! - See the bio section of my profile for the link.

Otherwise just click on these links:-

Buy mp3 At

The Time Has Come

If you like Lachlan's instrumental music his first album The Time Has Come is also available to download from iTunes and other retailers. Just click on the links below for downloads from iTunes or the MP3s from Have a listen to some of the tracks first! Enjoy!

Buy mp3 At

Also check out these links to get streaming listens and download the MP3s or buy the CD. 559

Record Label: Alactric Music
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Just to let you know I've just put a couple of songs on my web site that you can download for free! Check out the Music page of my web site or just follow this link: -
Posted by Lachlan Horne on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 05:07:00 PST

Rate My Music!

We just signed up my music to a website that is deal with publishing etc. but it means you guys can come and rate the music. I already have four out of five but I want Five!! So pay me a visit, have ...
Posted by Lachlan Horne on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

Ask us to play in your town and get FREE STUFF!

Do you want us to play a gig in your town? Let us know and we can give you FREE STUFF! We are always looking for opportunities to tour and would love to know where all the Lachlan Horne fans are bas...
Posted by Lachlan Horne on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:24:00 PST

The Horne Supremacy - Side One

Well, after many months of hard work I have finally got the first 'side' of my new album finished. The Horne Supremacy - Side One. It's a download only EP and you can get it from iTunes. Check it...
Posted by Lachlan Horne on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:47:00 PST