Hill Walking, Mountain biking and climbing. My Choclate Lab.
I'd like to meet:
adopt your own virtual pet!
Anything on Kerrang Radio!
Saw Feeder at the NEC with Jess, cool...
Seen the Automatic and did the Volvic Kerrangfest COOL
Seen Snow Patrol at the MEN arena Brill
Seen the Fratellis at the Barfly!!
Going to see the LOst Prohets soon
Touching the Void, Valiant, and of course Highlander, The Da vinci Code.
I hate soap operas!
Extreme sports channel, motorsports channel and National Geographic. (Armchair adrenalin junkie).
Michael Palin Travel Documentries and The Long way Round.
Old sit coms, Fawlty towers, Love thigh neighbour, Open all hours, Father Ted and My hero.
Alan Hinkes - 1st Brit to climb All 8000m sumits.