fear me dear for i am death profile picture

fear me dear for i am death

I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Hello. I hope you enjoy my space. No one really reads further so check it all out i hope you enjoy everything and smile for a second it wont hurt i promise =DHi hi my names Daniel, wanna talk, we should all talk to someone, there are many things to live in life and love those things not linger on the loves you lost or never had, dont try and be what your not, dont listen to who u dont want to, and more importantly be who u want and other people dont really matter. But occasionally those that care for you will always have advice worth listening to and thinkin bout. You dont need some random guy on MySpace to enlighten you all i really want a SMILE ^.^"The lie can i lay with you the truth only creates boundaries possibly the scene behind my lids is the only place that i have ever been and feels like home you know what i mean this is all full blown and two dreamers make more sense then "real people" telling everyone else what to think...""We are confined by what ever it is that makes us human, and what makes us free to be so."Enjoy my space. and smile a little

My Interests

Wakeboarding, brakdancing, backflips, music, jumpin off really high things, making the world my PLAYGROUND, drawing, drawing graffitti peices, jumpin off the jump =D

I'd like to meet:

August Burns Red - "Composure"
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rise against
a thorn for every heart
name taken
hawthorne heights
getaway plan
fear before the march of flames
as i lay dying
poisen the well
escape the fate
after the tragedy
from autmn to ashes
from first to last
funeral for a friend
bullet for my valentine
fall out boy
morning for the masses
august turns red
eye alaska
cute is what we aim for
the midnight renewal
dead means nothing
avenues And silhouettes
flood of red
bring me the horizon
between the buried and me
from aphony
as tall as lions
dance gavin dance
pierce the veil
envy on the coast
the number twelve looks like you

My Blog

Your in my story can you find yourself in it

We race along at lightening speed Devouring all we wish to feed Flashing images and things we read While human voices are the least we need.   Talking boxes, heated cages, Flying buil...
Posted by fear me dear for i am death on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 01:39:00 PST

Ride the concrete wave

Go skating, i really think you should. Fuck being the best. Fuck tricks. Fuck being "good"... leave that all for the pros, its there job. Thats not skating. Skating is getting your friends and find...
Posted by fear me dear for i am death on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:40:00 PST

There are monsters under your floor!

There are monsters that lie, under the floor. Inside your closet, other side of the door, Your wanting to meet them, I'm wanting it more. But there are places in this world little kids don't explore ...
Posted by fear me dear for i am death on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:06:00 PST

The Onlookers

Picturesque images flashing through drooping eyes as the boy falls dead to the world he's been trying to crack into for so long, As the girl with selfless eyes casts light onto the way the world works...
Posted by fear me dear for i am death on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:11:00 PST