N*I*C*O*L*E * M*A*R*I*E profile picture

N*I*C*O*L*E * M*A*R*I*E


About Me

You are a Brainy Girl!
Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! What Kind of Girl Are You?Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!
You're a Confident Chica
You're a total superstar - and you know it
Even if no one else does (in which case you'll remind them)
You hate to admit that you're wrong... even to yourself
Your life is great - and you've thankful for every great thing you have Are You a Confident Woman?You're a total superstar - and you know it Even if no one else does (in which case you'll remind them) You hate to admit that you're wrong... even to yourself Your life is great - and you've thankful for every great thing you have
Your Style is Classy
You've got class, and you know how to put together a guy catching outfit
You're more likely to shop at Bloomie's than bebe
For you style is looking like a million bucks...
And you're always do with your fantastic yet feminine wardrobe Is Your Date Fashion Style Classy, Sassy, or Trashy?You've got class, and you know how to put together a guy catching outfit You're more likely to shop at Bloomie's than bebe For you style is looking like a million bucks... And you're always do with your fantastic yet feminine wardrobe
What kind of jewel are you?
Fire Opal
People love to be around you. Not just for your stunning outer beauty, but also for the inner beauty that radiats from your awesome personality.

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I'm unconventional, and I'm known to do things out of the box but that's what has made my successes come true. I for sure believe in Hedonism and all the simple life pleasures. As hard as I work I like to relax or party! I love 2 travel (I've been traveling outside the US since 8th grade plus my family travel like it's going out of style: Europe, Africa, you name it they've been there) ~ my friends travel to different countries all the time~, outdoor sports like white water rafting (my fave), jet skiing, skiing, ice-skating, anything exciting & thrilling (my family got me into outdoor sports while in elementary & I've loved them ever since). Started Ballet at age 3 & danced for 15 years, along with Tapp & Jazz, started gymnastics while in elementary, was on the swim team from middle school-high school, and at one time my dad had a horse for me! (Love horseback riding). Love international parties, social events, spending much time with family & friends, kamasutra, writing, and everyday I make it a point 2 accomplish or do something I've never done b4. I appreciate that I have a family with smarts & common-sense. I have no tolerance 4 stupidity and/or ignorance...even 2 avoid these myself I take in everything I possibly can 2 continually increase my knowledge (others tell me that a lot). I take pride in knowing the truth. I make it a habit 2 research anything & everything I can (it's kind of my addiction). I also become annoyed when others try 2 get too involved in my romantic life or too opinionated about it b/c they don't know even a 3rd about our relationship...especially when I don't tell the full story (I just tell nosy whomever my guy doesn't do anything 4 me so they won't ask me again). I treat everyday like it's my last (that's why I have so much fun anywhere). In addition 2 all this fun where ever myself & my friends go we absolutely talk 2 everyone & include them in on our fun. Everyone new we meet they are for sure coming out with all of us next time & the times after that. The only time I naturally am not friends with a person is if they are negative, or have "1 of thoooooose personalities" (U guys know.....not bubbly, friendly, nice, pleasant, always in a runt, not optimistic, and/or that I'm too good 2 be cheery & upbeat attitude). If you are my friend you are 1 lucky person b/c I do an EXTREME amount 4 my friends b/c they are my gift that I cherish. Get your layout at Free Myspace Graphics

My Interests

I'm involved with over 25 non-profit organizations and I donate to over 25 non-profit organizations, and meeting new extra friendly and respectful people.

I'd like to meet:

There is nobody I would like 2 meet. I've always been satisfied with my life & the good things God has always offered me & will continue 2 offer. The most important people I don't have 2 meet b/c I've already met them including my family, best friends, and all my people from back home that I've been friends with either all my life or a big portion of my life. And I absolutely can't forget all...like seriously...all the friends I was lucky/blessed 2 meet while living here n atl!!!!


Artists (not n order of favorite): Kem, Tamia, Anita Baker, Amel Larrieux, Luther Vandross, Joe, Maxwell, Eric Clapton, Vanessa Williams, smooth jazz, rock (the only music I listened 2 as a child), anything quality & different, big 70's & 80's & 90's person, and Colbie Caillat.


(not in order of favorite) Jaws, The Sleeping Dictionary, Kamasutra, American History X, and pretty much any controversial movies and movies that challenge the brain!, The Princess Bride, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, The Birds, Casino, Madonna's Truth or Dare even though it's more of a documentary but I love those too, John Candy & Chevy Chase films especially Funny Farm & Nothing but Trouble with Chevy Chase, Duel which was made in the 70s and is one of my ALL TIME FAVE, They Live (1988), 80s films, Bamboozled, School Daze, Fried Green Tomatoes, Greedy, and Slums of Beverly Hills.


I'm a big nature fanatic so I just have 2 say in general: The Discovery Channel or anything 2 deal with nature... especially sharks. Just b4 college I wanted 2 be an oceanographer so I have a fascination with sharks. I'm still going 2 fulfill my dream & go down under in the shark cage so I can see them up-close & personal. Also, Court TV, FBI Files, Snapped on oxygen, Dateline on NBC, MSNBC, 20/20, Sundance Network, Nightline on ABC, Discovery Health channel, and the National Geographic Channel.


I 4 SURE AM AN AVID READER~IT'S MY ADDICTION: (not in order of favorite) Inside America's Black Upper Class-Our Kind of People- by Lawrence Otis Graham,Jaws, and I've always enjoyed reading psychology & sociology & anthropology books, or just anything that increases my knowledge, Kimora Lee Simmons book "Fabulosity." Plus, Im always @ Borders or Caribou studying(Im such a nerd and so many people have told me that).


My mom, grandma, daddy, and both papas (1 who isn't alive 2day but alive in my spirit.)

My Blog


Thank you for just being you. You're just you no matter who you're around or where you are and people have to respect that because not everybody can be that way; they just aren't strong enough. When A...
Posted by N*I*C*O*L*E * M*A*R*I*E on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:20:00 PST