Ainuddin Anwar profile picture

Ainuddin Anwar

I am here for Friends

About Me

Name ? Ainuddin Anwar Dzulkarnain,Form ? 4,Birthday ? 2Feb 91,Birthplace ? Ipoh Specialist,Location ? Ipoh, Perak,School ? Sekolah Seri Cahaya,Zodiac ? erm.... Aquarius!!!,Hair colour ? Black,Right handed or left handed ? right,My fear ? Im scared of my grandma,Goal you would like to achieve this year ? erm... Study hard for SPM!!! wakakaka...,Thoughts first you wake up ? 2 See if there any msg at my phone!!!,Your bedtime ? anytime,Your most missed memory ? Playing football as a Striker with Razin...,Pepsi or coke ? Coke I guess,Lipton ice tea or nestea ? Lipton Ice ,Chocolate or vanilla ? Both,Cappuccin0 or coffee ? No Way,Do you want to go to cOllege ? Sure!!!,Do you want to get married ? wut a question??,What country would you most like to visit ? erm, Scotland,Email ? [email protected],My best friends ? mention at "Who You Want to Meet",Fav football club ? SSC Club,Number of cds my own ? alot,Fav food ? Spaghetti,Fav drink ? erm, Stawberry Shake,Im a Guy,Im not cool..,Basketball?? Im kewl with it...,Golf?? also...,Footbal?? also...,CS?? noob,DotA (The Best Feeder),PRS or Gibson?? PRS,Jackson or Fender?? Fender,Yamaha or Takamine?? erm... both, hehez,Ibanez or Carvin?? Ibanez,Gurl or Boy?? Gurl for sure!!! Im not gay!!!,Cat or Dog?? Cat,BMW or Merce?? BMW (ACF 15),Nokia or Sony?? both... hehez,PS2 or PS3?? No...,Electric guitar or classical?? Both,Rock or Heavy Metal?? Death Metal,Blood Type?? A+,caring or uncaring?? caring,loving or unloving?? erm... loving I guess, but donoe with who!!!,Roller Coaster or Solero Shot?? Solero Shot,Amplifier?? erm... Marshall & Fender,Pedal?? EH nano,Wah-wah?? CryBaby,Yamaha or Kawasaki?? Ducati,Acoustic?? prefer Seagull,

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My Interests

Sleep....zzzz...Jamming! My jamm mates--Hadzwan -Daus -HAfiz -FAiz -AshshakurMy classical partner--Hadz1

I'd like to meet:

My Buddies:My top fwens!Daus,Faiz,Syafiqah ,Hana ,Dani,Razin ,Faris ,Yan ,Jihad,Ashakur,Hafiz ,Syauqat ,Amzar ,Johan ,Hadzwan,Aiman ,Amy,Phoebe,Wee Lyn,Parvind,Akmal,Ian,Omeed,Hidayah,Eddy,Adi,Nadhir,Salamah, Aqilah,Jihad,Salman,Alia Ellyra,Lin,Iqbal,Jinn Juinn,Jia Jun,Syafiq Reza,David,Keat Yu,Aisyah,Tak Li,Alyssa (Adik Dani, dia paksa letak beb, kalau tak kena blasah dekat skola),theres alot more actually including you...,My Favourite Artist:Billy Martin,Michael Schencker,Rudolf Schencker,Steve vAI,jOE sATRIANI,Petrucci,Yngwie Malmsteen,Eric Clapton,Tommy emmanuel,Jimmy Page,Jimi Hendrix,Last but not least my family!!!D%A%D%A%D%A
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about music huh!!! I listen 2 music according 2 my mood...hehehehehe....I Prefer Metal songs and sometimes I listen 2 instumental song.l like Metallica, System of a Down, Led Zeppelin, Scorpion, Pink Floyd, Slipknot, and I also love a slow rock like The All American Rejects and Guns.... uuuurrrrgggghhhhh... wut the heck?? Why not I juz say Im Universal... aaaaahhhh... okey, Im Universal...My Most Favourite Band is Secondhand Serenade!!!




CSI (Crime Scence Investigation), FBI, House, Dear Boys, Tommy Lee goes to college, Punk..d and One tree Hill


Turbo, Import tuner, Super street, I.Car, Hyper Tune, Mx Racer, Scooterama &; Trasher, Account, Add Maths & How 2 be a millionaire in 1 day!!! ( I hope so)


My Family and Fwens!