Yes, I see myself in everybody else profile picture

Yes, I see myself in everybody else

Maybe they can see themselves in me

About Me

I do my thing

My Interests

I like:to RunRead Jump BumpDiscuss

I'd like to meet:

Someone awe inspiring


I like Apollo Sunshine......a lot


Movies are good, I like them a lot. I wont turn a movie down, I really dont care what its about I WILL watch it. Especially if it is called the Usual Suspects or has the following actors /actresses in it: Samuel L Jackson Cillian Murphy Natalie Portman Kevin Spacey Edward Norton George Clooney and not the Waynes Brothers


Lost, yeah Lost what!?


A Clockwork Orange, Catch 22, Beyond Good and Evil, The Fountainhead, Brave New World, WE, Atlas Shrugged, Thus Spoke Zarathustra


You know who you are