About Me
Im the weakest souL God ever pLaced in this cruel Earth.. I’m just a worthless member of a twisted Language... I have aLL wept once more… I wouLd never ask for such.. I have reaLized for once in my existence my true happiness.. This is a first time for me… I feeL innocent, caring, and non-threatening.. Reincarnation for a better Life… Becoming one with true harmony.. No one have caressed or burned me, onLy nature is wiLLing to comfort me.. SaLvation is dead and aLL have passed away with me.. I wiLL never have to entertain or pLease any one ever again.. I am aLive.. My memory is the only thing keeping the oLd tears in my eyes. One day i wiLL be in this soil… with no one to sLave to, and no heroes to kill for..