Reporter: Now, can you tell your fans, and I who you are and how you became this singging groop?
Seiya: Uhh yeah... *he smiles, and looks aorund, thenback to the reporter* I'm Seiya Kou! The elader, and middle brother of the three lights! As you may know I got a anoying bitchy younger brother, who ackts liek a girl, and an older smart brother, who can be wimpy!
Letrs see.. we are from over seas, in america... and our name in English meens lights, and I thought well.. theres three of us.. so why not make a singging groop out of it. Then desided to call us the three lights.
I like football, and most of all sprts, I like my job as a singger, and I alwase sing fore that spicel somone...ermm my.. prin- Mother!
Thats all.. thanks!