Sports, food, culture, and anything that comes to me during the day.
Interesting and thought prevoking people. In sum; If you're about something, then I'm about meeting you. Oh yea, and Vida Guerra.
Everything from A-Z and about 2-3 country songs. Music is a great form of self-exspression and an excellent way for crossing language barriers. I can't really hate on those who use this mighty tool.
Chappelle Show, Family Guy, Futuroma, The Boondocks, Desperate Housewives, PTI, National Geograpic TV, The History Channel, CNN, MSNBC...can you tell I have cable?
Malcom X, A Time to Kill, Howard Zinn's American History: 1492-Present, The Envy of the Word: Being a Black Man in America...countless others
My mother, My Uncle, My Grandfather (R.I.P. WFK), all single parents holding it down the right and positive way for their children, and everybody in the history of mankind that paved the way to make life easier for me.