I've seen're all nuts of agony, johnny cash, bloodlet, motorhead, hall & oats, beach boys, loverboy, songs ohia, anything involving will oldham, judas priest, king diamond, nick cave, sparks, pantera, entombed, captain beefheart, ufomammut, obituary, cave in, Alice cooper, hawkwind, In Vain, Goblin, Disrupt, Crass, Bruce Banner, the Body, koro, Exodus, Elliot smith, Dove, chinese stars, Daughters, bad brains, john frusiante, Dismay, Iron Maiden, Cerebrus shoal, Agents of Man, Phill Collins, Three six Mafia, Quicksand, ringworm, Dio, faith no more, gary glitter, Ebba Gron, dissolve, Tragedy, Into Another, Kiss it goodbye, mastadon, the pogues, prince, Motorhead, Opeth, Barry Manilow, Slayer, Zombi, Red Sparrows, Blood and Time, jarboe, skid row, wrench in the works, it would be silly to go on...
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Dario Argento, David Lynch, They Live, Student Bodies, Man Bites Dog, Tale of Two Sisters, Harold and Maude, Phantasm, Phantasm II, Warriors, Little Darlings, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not some remake B.S.), The Vanishing, Most Friday the 13th movies, 8 1/2, Battle Royal, Anything by Tod Solodz, Eat the Rich, Taxi Driver, Maria full of grace, Dead Alive, Y tu mama tambien (hot), Caddyshack, Anything involving zombies, Evil Dead, Orgazmo, the Decalogue, Basketball (of cou
Two things... VH1 and Fox.. I want to watch nothing but trash
Bukowski, Will Self, Hunter S. Thompson, Vonnegut, Henry Miller, Hubert Selby Jr, Tom Robbins, Dennis Johnson, Burroughs, katherine dunn "geek love", Ken Kesey, susan sontag, Battle Royal, Do What Thou Wilt, the Great Gatsby, Nickel and Dimed, THE FERMATA, as nature made him, white line white fever, sytem of dantes hell....
Patrick Macgoohan, Adam West, Jesus H. Christ