Philosophy, comics, tattoos, cinema, steampunk, paradoxes, puzzles, lego, reading.
Nobody - I meet enough interesting people as it is (and far more uninteresting ones). Why stress about meeting some famous or dead person when you will meet enough people just doing your thing.
Old country, rockabilly, old punk.
Action, comic adaptations, japanese ganster flicks and horror, sci-fi of all sorts.
None. Television is crap.Well, okay... Alton Brown's [ital]Good Eats[/ital] is genius. And [ital]Burn Notice[/ital] is genuine art. But the rest is crap.
Any book, except for self-help and spirituality nonesense. If somebody wrote it, then I am probably willing to read it.
Paul Simon (not for the music, but because he slept with Princess Leia - Carrie Fisher).