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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Wassup everybody!!! Most people know me as Pit or Pitts, but am also known as Noi. I'm 28 years old, single, workin like crazay rite now, but in tha meantyme, i LOVE to kick it wit mah fam, mah homiez, n homegyrlz!!, klubbing, dancin---OH GOD, I LOVE TO DANCE!!! ESPECIALLY 2 HOUSE n TECHNO MUZIK!!!!!!!! think u can keep up???, drankin, or juss really KICKIN' IT, or doin whateva!!!, and n e otha thangz thats fun 2 do. i hope i'm koo with just about everyone, i'm very laid bacc, i find humor in almost anything. no point in living if u can't laugh, hehe. OH MAN, i LOVE to laugh! THO, i rarely do these dayz.......BUT! i'll be a friend to all who will reciprocate.....i kno...i'm a nerd =).......these dayz juss tryin' to live life at mah own pace, knowumsayin'? hehe, maybe not. OH! by tha way, i'm the other resident of tha most infamous dormroom @ Luther College in 2000-01, but that's another story, haha!!!!! o well, imma juss on hea to make mahself known and to connect with friends either from da past or ones i haven't met yet, yo. n e wayz i babbled on long enough, hehe, i'm outty ya'llz, hahahha, one love, LAO PRYDE 4 LYFE.....:)....and, of course, i gotz to say that our lame-ass duck president, JR. BUSH AND THE REST OF THE FOUL-BREATHED, MALIGNANT INFESTED LEECHES, IMPERIALIST VERMIN, BOURGEOISIE SWINE, RUNNING DOG LACKEYS, THE BUREAUCRACTS, THE BIG LANDLORD CLASS, THE REACTIONARY SECTION OF THE INTELLIGENTSIA, and everybody else who doesn't truly understand the suffering and needs of the PROLETARIAT and masses can never conquer the will of the PEOPLE!!! SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! OPPOSE THE WAR!!!!!! LONG LIVE THA NEW REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........well!!!!!, my extreme left-wing radicalism aside, as Buddhism has taught me:...."To suffer and struggle is the one promise that life always keeps, so that in those moments when we are happy, we MUST enjoy and cherish it, for it is a precious gift....forever temporary, yet, alwayz reocurring...."

My Interests

Getting down to Lao muzik, haha!!Come and take a ride....OH MAN I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!Democracy for Laos, N E thing having to do with LAO culture ie: Lao History, Theravada Buddhism and Buddhist thought..................................................... ........a man once asked Lord Buddha, "are u a God?" Lord Buddha replied, "no". then he asked, "are you a man?" Lord Buddha replied, "no". then the man asked, "well if u're not a God or a man, what are you?" Lord Buddha said, "i am awake"...................................................... ...also, there's Electro/Techno Muzik ie: techno, house, hardstyle, progressive, trance, eurodance, or anythang that's electro-hoppin' so i can enjoy my absofuckinglutely favorite leisure activity: KLUBBING 2 HOUSE AND TECHNO MUZIK!!!!!!, dancin'?...Dancin'?? did someone say DANCIN'???? havin' fun, boozin', BBQ'ing, kickin' it, reading, current events, world history, hating george w. bush, drawing/expression through art, living, talking, listening to and being there for others, all kindz of other muzik, nature, dialogue, politics, laughing, well, u may get tha picture...=)!...Oh!, and did i mention, hating george w. bush???
Name: Phitsamay
Birthdate: September 26, 1979
Birthplace: Soun Ubon Refugee Camp, Ubon Rachathani, Thailand
Current Location: Southside Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'8''
Weight: underweight
Piercings: none
Tatoos: one
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: living in solitude...
Overused Phraze: oh shit, cuz!!

Food: monkeys...mmmmmmmmm!
Candy: starburst
Number: 2
Color: blue
Animal: flying bear
Drink: water
Alcohol Drink: SUMMIT E.P.A.
Bagel: i don't even eat this shiet
Letter: C
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Mickey D's
&..39;Strawberry or Watermelon:' watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: KISS
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: HOUSE MUZIK
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: L-O-V-E! of course!!
Bedtime: when i come down
Most Missed Memory: my father, Laos, my college yearz
Best phyiscal feature: my brain
First Thought Waking Up: DAMN!!!!
Weakness: self esteem, criticism
Fears: evil spirits-ghosts, black magic, THE FUTURE
Heritage: Lao 5/8, Chinese 1/4, Thai 1/8
Longest relationship: almost 2 and a half years
Ever Drank: are you serious?
Ever Smoked: uhhh, yea
Pot: =)
Ever been Drunk: what kind of question is that????
Ever been beaten up: yes
Ever beaten someone up: yes
Ever Shoplifted: yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: yes
Favorite Eye Color: blue
Favorite Hair Color: doesn't matter
Short or Long: doesn't matter
Height: shorter than me
Style: similar to me
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: we'll see
Muscular or Really Skinny: doesn't matter
Number of Regrets in the Past: not graduating from college
What country do you want to Visit: Cambodia
How do you want to Die: assassination
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: terrified of them, but ish soooooooo kool!!!
Get along with your Parents: pops iz gone, loved him well, moms is my ultimate hero....
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: no, not really..
Believe in Yourself: not sure anymore

Want to go to College: yes
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: YES!
Want to get Married: YES!!
Do you want Children: YES!!!
Have your future kids names planned out: maybe
Hate anyone: no, i done growed up:)

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I'd like to meet:

The Royal heir to the LAO throne and the upholder of 1,279 years of LAO tradition: 'Somdet Phra Chao, Lan Xang Hom Khao, Chao Maha Sivit, Sri Savang Sourivong, na Srisattanakhanahud'.


i'm ALL about that TECHNO SHIET!!!!! House, Trance, Eurodance, Progressive, Hardstyle, Happy Hardcore, since April 2006 i've seen: Bad Boy Bill twice, JJ Flores, Benny Benassi twice, Sandra Collins, DJ Tiesto twice, Green Velvet, Steve Angello, Ferry Corsten, Cosmic Gate, DJ Irene, Nigel Richards, Mixin' Marc 3 times, Markus Schulz, DJ Dan, Common Factor, Robbie Rivera, James Curd, John Digweed, Macca, Paul van Dyk, Luke Fair, Kaskade twice, Richard Vission, DJ Miss Colette, Starkillers, Deadmau5, and ATB!---DAYAM!!...OH NO! MY HEART JUST STOPPED!..........OH! there it goes:)......LATIN/ASIAN FREESTYLE!!!! most 80's 'n 90's muzik, HARD ROCK/METAL, classic rock, alternative, slow songs, classical, soundtrack scores, oldies, r 'n b in tha 90's, hip hop/rap before 1996--especially old school underground REAL gangsta rap, not that commercialized MTV/Radio bullshiet, and u KNOW i gotz 2 love mah Lao Musik(luuk tuung, mawlam, lam salavan, etc.), Tai Orathai iz tha best Lao-Thai singer EVER!!!!! she's tha 7th video on mah profile......


Lord of the Rings Trilogy: The Godfather Trilogy: Office Space: Super Troopers: The Killing Fields: Air America: Euro Trip: The Goonies: Animal House: Happy Gilmore: Volunteers: dang, there's too many...........


The Simpsons(need i say more?): 24: Thief: South Park: Beavis And Butthead: Seinfeld: The X-Files: Unsolved Miseries-i mean, Unsolved Mysteries, hehe: Ghost Hunters: Unsolved History: Family Guy: all kinds of shows on the History, National Geographic, and Discovery Channels......SPORTS: VIKINGS-i bleed purple and gold, TWINS are my life, TIMBERWOLVES-KG will alwayz be tha shiznitz, YEA, YEA, F*CK YEA:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Da Vinci Code": "Stalking the Elephant Kings": "In a Little Kingdom-The Tragedy of Laos": "Bamboo Palace": "James and the Giant Peach"(i'm serious!!): "Animal Farm" : "Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member":............


OUTSIDE OF LAOS: Lord Buddha, His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso aka Dalai Lama, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Kirby Puckett, President Bill Clinton, President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy(MA), Governor Averill Harriman(NY), Ambassador William Sullivan, Al Gore, Matt Groening, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Sam Rainsy, Wang Dan, Wuer Kaixi, Chai Ling, Che Guevarra, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Muhammad Ali, Paul Wellstone, many other 'falangs'..... LAO PEOPLE: My late father, and late uncle Sengphet, who both survived the Lao civil war, the 'semana'(re-education/death) camps, but could not survive their own Karma, my mother and family, Lan Xang Kings:(Chao Fa Ngum La Thorani, Phaya Samsenthai, Chao Sai Settathirath, Chao Souliya Vongsa),........Chao Anouvong of Viangchan,...... His Royal Majesty Chao Maha Sivit Sri Savang Vattana, Her Royal Majesty Queen Khamphoui, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Sri Savang Vongsavang, HRH Prince Sisavang, the commaner-in-cheif of the Royal Lao Army before the communist takeoever-General Bounepone Makthepharack, my late great uncle-General Khien Outhonesack, Ambassador Khamchan Pradith, Touby Lyfoung, as well as tens of thousands of other Lao who perished in 'semana' camps or were victims of the current Lao cummunist regime...., other Lao include HRH Prince Souvanna Phouma, General Kong Le, HRH Prince Sisouk na Champassak, my late uncle and former Royal palace guard-Major Bounta(who spent 15 years in the 'semana' camps), Thongphaseut Keuakhoun and the others arrested on October 26, 1999 in the ONLY pro-DEMOCRACY demonstration in Laos since the 1970's, Feng Sakchittapong, Dr. Thongsouk Sysangkhi, and we should never forget the hundreds of thousands of Lao who perished in the war years(1951-1975).....LONG LIVE SRISATTANAKHANHUD aka LAN XANG HOM KHAO aka LAOS aka PATHET/MUANG LAO!!!!!! may our ancestors' sacrifices NOT be in vain......CHAYO! PATIWAT LAO MAI!!!!!!!!

My Blog

My Thoughts on the Vang Pao Situation

     "I am ethnic Lao. As were my forefathers before me. My family was forced to leave our beloved Laos in 1978, a few years after the communist takeover. Members&n...
Posted by Phitsamay on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:10:00 PST

A Chance Encounter

WAT XIENG THONG, LUANG PHABANG, LAOS      "It was in the courtyard of Wat Xieng Thong in the royal Lao capital of Luang Phabang in the 1960's that a tourist had asked an elderly La...
Posted by Phitsamay on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:54:00 PST

The Last Days of the King

The Last Days of the King      "This is a slightly edited exerpt from the book, 'Bamboo Palace' by Christopher Kremmer.  The actual tale is told by the only kno...
Posted by Phitsamay on Tue, 08 May 2007 12:27:00 PST