**Carly Joy** HAVANA ALL WHITE @ PLAN B 5.31 profile picture

**Carly Joy** HAVANA ALL WHITE @ PLAN B 5.31

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

"It is great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people." -Pamela Anderson"Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, Dance like no one's watching." -UnknownI am very outgoing, I'll do pretty much anything for a smile, laughs and good memories. I love to shop, go to the bar, dance, make people laugh and hang out with my friends and family. I love animals! I always seem to find stray dogs and I feel it is my responsibility to keep them safe and help them find their way home. I am a huge Pistons and Tigers fan! I LOVE going to games whenever possible. I like people watching, driving no where with the windows down on a nice day while the music's blaring. I love going to the beach in the summer. It doesn't get any better than tanning with friends, listening to music and drinking Citronika's! If you haven't tried a Citronika, you're missing out, lol. I am just a fun loving girl with an optimistic outlook on life. I always look for the best in everyone and tend to let someone's good qualities surpass the bad. Although it's a good quality, it has hurt me a lot in the past. I've learned over the years to not be such a pushover and to stick up for myself and others. It is difficult to bring me down and upset me. I hate conflict and confrontation, so I usually avoid it, but if I see someone being made fun of for no reason- if it wasn't my business, it is now. I have no tolerance for people who are disrespectful and try to bring others down to build themselves up. So if you want to make me angry, try hurting someone's feelings and see what happens. I got made fun of everyday when I was a kid for being chubby and I can't tell you how many countless days I went home and cried my eyes out. I can't stand seeing others go through the pain I went through. Although it sucked when it happened it has made me a much stronger person and I love who I've become because of it.
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My Interests

Going to Pistons, Tigers and Lions games/citronikas/high heels/concerts/hugs/grey goose on the rocks with a twist/people that are real/loving my career/movies/bar hopping/animals/guys that wear suspenders with their slacks...crazy sexy/dancing/anywhere warm/kisses/being a hair stylist/snuggling/muscles/beachin' it/party dresses/laying around in my jammas all day/wine/skinny days/Vegas/feeling loved/my amazing friends/dreaming/traveling/my gorgeous family/music/shopping/boys...let me rephrase that...men :)

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is funny, outgoing and has a good heart and good intentions. Oh...and preferably people who don't play games...I've had my fill, thanks. Oh and I'll tell you who I DON'T want to meet...Myspace weirdos...the guys who have nothing better to do but to spend hours at a time browsing for girls. Whatever, do what you do, but FYI, repeat offenders get their asses blocked. I think it's funny that these people don't even remember who they have talked/sent messages to. Even I remember your face and I don't even want anything to do with you. Consider your ass warned! LOL ;)


I am a fan of many different genres of music...Paramore, Dashboard Confessional, The Fray, Thrice, Evans Blue, Brand New, Straylight Run, Starting Line, Lifehouse, Brian McKnight, Maroon 5, Fuel, Aqualung, Saving Jane, Ben Jelen, Secondhand Serenade, Josh Groban, Leigh Kakaty, Josh Gracin, System of a Down, Kelly Clarkston, Kanye West, The Blackeyed Peas, Pat Robitaille, Britney Spears, Frankie J, Billy Joel, Carrie Underwood, Stevie Wonder, Josh Turner, Randy Travis, Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds to Mars, Justin Timberlake, Aly & AJ, Elisa, Chris Brown, Whitney Houston, Three Days Grace, From Autumn to Ashes, Panic! at the Disco, Daughtry, Evanessence, Regina Spektor, Theory of a Deadman, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, the list goes on...


Big Fish, The Notebook, Wedding Crashers, Napolean Dynamite, Bye Bye Birdie, The Wedding Singer, A Walk to Remember, Remember the Titans, Little Miss Sunshine, The Illusionist, Dreamgirls, Juno, Edward Scissorhands (actually anything with Johnny Depp, Will Ferell, Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson)...


I'm addicted to American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, The Big Bang Theory, Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. I love pretty much anything on MTV. The Soup and Best Week Ever always make me laugh. I LOVE Family Guy, King of Queens and Still Standing! And Full House is definetly my guilty pleasure alongside children's shows on the Disney channel and Hip Hop Harry, LMAO.


I don't read a whole lot because I tend to have a short attention span, LOL, but if I have a really good book I won't want to put it down. My favorites are The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and sometimes I gotta read He's Just Not That Into You to kinda bring me back down to earth, LOL. Right now I'm working on A Little More Off the Top, it's a motivational and inspirational book to help me further my career.


My amazing family and friends, without them I would be nothing. And people who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves and others.

My Blog

OMG I’m not gonna bitch this time! Hahaha

I've come to realize that all of my prior blogs have been really negative.  I am naturally so far away from being an angry, vile person and for those who don't know me that well...well ...
Posted by **Carly Joy** HAVANA ALL WHITE @ PLAN B 5.31 on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:16:00 PST

"And I think to myself, what a wonderful world"

As a lot of you know, the past few weeks have been really rough on me.  I've been physically sick, not sure if it's been stress induced or what, but nonetheless I've been ill and depressed.&...
Posted by **Carly Joy** HAVANA ALL WHITE @ PLAN B 5.31 on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:49:00 PST

"My sorry eyes can see"

Sometimes we put too much faith in people...knowing all along that we're probably just setting ourselves up for disappointment.  Being as optimistic as I am, I find the good in everyone and ...
Posted by **Carly Joy** HAVANA ALL WHITE @ PLAN B 5.31 on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:53:00 PST