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Dont make someone your priority, if your only thier option.

About Me

A LIFE WITHOUT LOVE IS NO LIFE AT ALL!!!Messing up is what makes us a person. Sometimes i feel realy disconnected, like i dont belong in this world, like i was born at the wrong time....I love to lay on your chest, just to hear your heart beat. I HATE to be alone. Silence scares me sometimes. I smile even when I’m sad so people don’t know. I hate people who walk thru life with blinders on, not seeing the good things that are right in front of them. We are fascinating creatures!! When you see a sign that says "Just say no to crack" Does it remind yu to pull up your pants?? People i see everyday have no clue what im about. Sometimes I say and do things to see how people react. Sometimes I want to scream when it’s really quiet. Isn’t it weird how some people just don’t have that common sense? I’m called weird all the time, sometimes I just sit there and wonder if it’s true.I want to feel safe just for one day. I wish I could find that one person that just GETS ME so I don’t feel like the black sheep. I wish I could be a different person for one day. Sometimes I wish I could live forever, yet other times I wish I wasn’t alive at all. I look at older people and wonder how they lived thier life. Why am I here? I hate cats. Why don’t people ever care what’s going on in others lives? When I walk past someone’s house I always look inside to see how others live. I always wonder what others are thinking. The saying you only have one true love,its true. I believe in soul mates. Karma is a b*&#h!! I love people, I hate the ignorant ones. I want to change the world. If you’re still reading this then all I have to say is thank you for taking the time that others around me wont. When people stare at me to long I think that they know what I’m thinking and I turn off. I can’t get undressed in front of my dog. I have a comment about everything. There are so many people I want to thank but never will get a chance to. I believe things happen for a reason. I want to run down a street naked. I hate people that are selfish and only care about themselves. Isn’t it weird how people act stupid when they really know what’s going on? All they can say is HUH? That’s when u know their lying. Someone once told me no matter where one person is were all under the same sky. I wish I could see that person again. I love sushi. I’m a very sensitive person. I’ll bend over backwards for the person I love. Sometimes I live in the past because the future scares me. Ill go to the store just to be around people. I trust people even when I know I shouldnt. I have a hard time lying. Dreams that are lost and forgotten make me sad. Life is short and most of the time it sucks, but were all in it together why not make the best of it? I WANT YOU - TO WANT TO KNOW ME!!!!

My Interests

Summer 2006

I'd like to meet:

All the cool people already died!


being bored, but love my shoes...lol


Grrr.....my sexy mommy... I love you