You Know wHo tHis iS.... The Rare Breed of ReaL PeOpLe StiLL Left.... BeeN doing my thinG focusing on the futuRe as always....I'm Pr Colombian CubaN..I hAve No kids, Single Lookin Ehh Maybe just Dont Come StupiD...Musically I can Engineer, CompuTeR program, and make Beats.... I Don't RaP/SiNg..... For EveryoNe FeeliNg My BeatZs Thanks for the Support and Respect....You Keep me Motivated to get Better.... Use the (Ipod) up to hear the Beats On the page And on a Last note. Dont hit me with your drama. 95% oF PeoPle on My FriEnDs LisT I donT spEak to AnywaY..yOu Do iT foR tHe sTatS aNd bEliEve mE i aDd u aNd U DoNt saY noThiNg u wiLL bE eRaSed.. HiT mE up If You WanT to Chat, adVice, whaTevErs..if yoU see Me riding in My low Low. ThroW 2 FingAs MySpace Music Backgrounds by Iron Spider
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