Kate profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello Myspace! We have had this discussion many times before but to introduce myself again...My name is Kate. Days, weeks, months of my life have been lost curled up with a biography or memoir in the club chairs at books a million. I love coffee and Denny’s—a correlation that has everything to do with Denny’s unlimited refills on said beverage. ;)A few things have changed in my life. The pursuit of the Associates degree has turned into the pursuit of the Bachelors which will in turn yield to the pursuit of the Masters. Lifelong learning your counselor will tell you when discussing success in your profession. You will think this means reading scholarly journals or attending symposiums, but really it is the perpetual pursuit of your college degree.Other? Ron and I are very happy. I have planted an indoor plant and several on the outside, but only the indoor plant survived (Ron attributes this to no skill of my own as the indoor plant is a cactus.) My car is clean and fixed. And I have moved south of Rockledge. Nice to speak with you again.See you at the coffee house!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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I would like to meet a very tall and handsome man with a large mustache or a woman with strait blonde hair that extends past her waist, an itallian writter, a french bohemian, an agnostic, a patriot, someone with waterpool eyes, a sailor with a peg-leg, someone who has read Huxleys Crom Yellow, someone younger, someone older, a beauty queen, an outcast, a lover, an old friend, Tolkein purists, elvish linguists, soccor moms, single moms, pessimists, optimists, hippies, yippies, Federalists, beurocrats, democrats... republicans, "girly men",body-building meat heads, enviromentalists, fanatical lobbiests turned politicians, a fashion designer, a dreamer, a visionary, a drag queen, a rockstar, a prima dona, someone who loves opera, or simply someone willing to say hello.

My Blog

Caffeine high+Exam Anxiety=(read blog)

Routine and responsibility are boring. Between the predictability andthe manditory nature of the tasks my regimit of routines have drivenme mad, crazy, hysteric, and right to the comforts of conformit...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:41:00 GMT

Chain Smoking + Coffee = rambled blogging

I am feeling industrious today, where today is really yesturday and I did not get written up for failure to attend a meeting I unwittingly did not attend. Certainly, the day has shaped up better than ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 22:21:00 GMT

I’m an UNfit mother.

We all have our fears. Most of them fall in categories involving spiders, heights, or dark places, but there are deeper seated fears the kind that really effect our person-- success, morality, maybe e...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 23:15:00 GMT

Bad Morning.

No cute stories or introductions today. I woke up. I missed the conference. (ya know the one I forgot about) And my boss called to inform me about it.... Today I am feeling sad and guilty. TTYL, Kate
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 21:44:00 GMT

At Least the Accident did not Involve a Dump Truck

Those of you who know me are privy to my history of car accidents, moving violations, and front on collisions with mail boxes, grocery carts, houses, etc... (the IMPORTANT thing to note here is all my...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:44:00 GMT

Red Ruby or Purple Wine? (the warning on the box)

They say you should consult a professional before you dye your hair. They say you should never dye your hair at home if you already colored it. The say DEFFINATELY DO NOT COLOR your hair if you treate...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:45:00 GMT

scrambled brains and the rat race

Hello Blogosphere. It has been a long time since we last talked. I know it should not matter what I write or say or do not say here (since you are not an actual person but a group of people who may or...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 19:24:00 GMT

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:13:00 GMT

Honest, it's poison.

How can you be honest about anger? How can you bring it up and talk about it on the phone like talking about it fixes it, like understanding it means it's not f-uped, like the person on the other end ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:21:00 GMT

NoT As Emo aS I lOOk; pointy-ears?

I was trying to change my background earlier but I deleted about a half page of code and I was too lazy to fix it.... so this was the coolest pre-made layout i could find. ON ANOTHER NOTE- Transformer...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 19:14:00 GMT