Baseball, Fishing, Golf, Basketball, Movies, Laughing, Comedy, and watching TV.
Bruce Springsteen, Bill Clinton, Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Albert Einstein Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln (in the next life), Charles Barkley, and Dave Chapelle
Bruuuuuuuuuuuce!, Jimi Hendrix, Zeplin, Dylan, Floyd, Basically I like good Rock n' Roll (in other word not any of that creed crap and the like) oh by the way Celine Dion makes me physically ill. Seriously, if she comes on and I have to hear her for more than 10 seconds I will vomit
All Star Wars, All Indiana Jones, Serenity (Firefly) anything w/ Lee Marvin, Steve McQueen, and basically any movie that feel will grasp my interest and/or make me laugh.
The West Wing, Boston Legal, My name is Earl, The office, Conan O'Brian, and The Daily Show
The Lord of the Rings, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and Catcher in the Rye
My parents and my grandparents. May sound corny, don't really care though, if they belonged to you like they belong to me they would be your heroes as well.