film, music, film and music history, american history, the 60's, food, fashion, pop culture, art composition of all sorts, video editing, recording, sushi, bento box.
whoever is down.
the chronicles
veron porter
the girl gets boy
i like a lot. i go through phases. but i do respect the works of catherine breillat, woody allen, todd solondz, jean-luc godard, federico fellini, fritz lang, terry gilliam, werner herzog, francios truffout, lloyd kaufman, oliver stone, martin scorsese, stanley kubrick, agnes varde, milos forman, paul verhouven, sidney lumet, alfred hitchcock, francis ozon, michel hanake, gasper noe, dario argento, paul thomas anderson, 70's exploitation, political and social documentaries, film noir, silent era, french new wave, cinema verite, golden age, post 60's, gen-x melodrama, post gen-x melodrama, horror (all genre), neorealismo, third world, shorts, disney, history, and anything willing to cross the line or go outside the box in the standards of cinema.
seinfeld, curb, the office, simpsons, south park, lost, heroes, ugly betty, top model, deperate housewives, blah blah. i do watch a lot of tv shows, but only on dvd.
the youth in revolt
godard, dylan, karl marx, RJF, the C Brelliat, obama.