"THE LAST LETTER" This a letter 2 LaCrystal,Boobie, my children's mother. U gave me life on February 20, 1989 Rakeem was born. U gave me life on February 12, 1991 RaQuan was born. And what a gift we recieved after Christmas, on December 27, 1993 when RaQuesha was born-I LOVE U. As you lie motionless u still move in me n our children. You dont have to be here physically to be living-I LOVE U. Everyone knows I was there when u needed me, even when I said NO I conceded-I LOVE U. What hurts more than your departure is me not being there 2 watch u: 2 stand by your side n and hold u close, in a time when u needed me the most-I LOVE U. Though we wasnt 2gather u knew that I was weak for you. I denied it but it is true-I LOVE U. Dont worry bout the childre they will be taken care of. I am not there but you n I have a family n friends who care-I LOVE U. May u rest in peace in a deepp sleep n what ever you wanted for our children with God's help I will complete. So its goodbye for now until we meet on that day I am put to sleep-I LOVE U.......
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