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About Me

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.Hey hows it going? Im Josh little about me... So whats going on with me right now? Lets see here I am currently goin to school for a computer science degree. Ive been painting since i was like 10 years old for my grandpa. As of right now i dont really know where my life is going. Im on the right track and in better health than i have been in years. Im just living each day as it comes and trying not to worry to much about the little things that try to get us down day to day. ..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I think it would be pretty sweet to meet in no specific order of importance: Jesus Christ, Chris Cornell, T.I., Jamie Foxx, Bob Marley, T-Pain, Tyra Banks, Oprah, Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Amy Fisher, Rodney King, Dr. Drew, Russell Crowe, Heath Ledger, John F. Kennedy, William Shakespeare, Princess Diana, Monica Bellucci, Dwayne Johnson, Reggie Bush, Darren McFadden(again), Felix Jones(again), George Washington, Abe Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Zig Ziggler, Joel Olsteen, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Van Morrison, All the Beatles, Elvis, Prince, Michael Jackson 80's, Richard Petty, Matthew Mchonohay, Chuck Liddell, Hoyce Gracie, Bruce Lee, Chris Tucker, Michael Phelps, Michael Johnson, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Tommy Lee(again) and tons more than i can think of right now...

My Blog

Really? Who Cares

     I just wonder what everyone cares about? Im sittin here thinking i can list on about somewhere between a half and a whole hand what i really care about. Is that sad? Prob so, prob why alot of thi...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:42:00 GMT

Akon- New CD/ Music

I really like the new Akon CD "Freedom," in it he talks alot about relationships and hard times which we can all relate to. I hope you all at least check out the new cd either on my playlist or on his...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 17:14:00 GMT

Apocalyptica - I Don't Care Ft. Adam Gontier TDG [Official] video from Apocalyptica Featuring Adam Gontier of Three Days Grace! From the new Apocalyptica album, "Worlds Collide" in stores now This video is a harsh...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 12:06:00 GMT


The words u type n speak effect everyone around you with or without you knowing. In the age of internet, facebook and myspace those around you have the ability to know what your feeling whether u conv...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 18:44:00 GMT