Sleeping, eating cheese, hanging out with friends, i love going to the beach, sleeping, KISSING (especially in the rain!!), CUDDLING with that special someone. Being spoiled, going out to parties once in a while. i'm not a huge party girl. i love looking at Pictures and getting cute and taking pictures. i love shoes and shopping for shoes and purses. The mother and i are addicted to purses and shoes!
my toes
my future husband 3
anything that moves me emotionally or's an important quote and advice from a friend..Thanx Alberto you told me this like 5 years ago now.. "Work, go to school, hang out with friends and just think about having a good time without worrying about depending on someone that doesn't wish to be there for you" ROCK ON ROCKSTAR!
I love watching movies, but I'm really bad at remembering what they're about. I know it's weird. I have short term memory. But one of the last movies i saw which really caught my attention was American History X. it's a classic:
One Channel: MTV, I'm an addict for reality TV shows too!
I hate reading actually. lol But i love Sophie Kinsella's books Confessions of a Shopaholic, Manhattan ties the knot,... and all kinds of girl books. I love to read chick magazines too, and guy magazines are cool too like Maxim, and Stuff Magazine.
My mommy and Jesus