Ben profile picture


I am here for Dating and Networking

About Me

I live in Miami for the winter and spend the summers in the northeast. I like to live the good life and I don't shouldn't either. Wall Street has been good to me. I can travel anywhere at any time and I call the shots. When I'm at the office I'm usually on AOL msgr. "bmwstox" -- ask away.

Eyes wide shut- Final Ritual

From the movie eyes wide shut. At the wrong place at the wrong time. Next time get an invite.

My Interests

Chess, Golf, Petroleum, Political Science, Traveling and spending time with that special someone. Manhattan. Cigars.

I'd like to meet:

Howard Hughes, Ty Cobb, Stanley Kubrick and the Joker.


Classical and opera. Puccini comes to mind. Jazz is great also.


Scareface, Wall Street, American Psycho, Batman and Dr. Strangelove


Entourage, Frontline and CNBC.


The Prize. Atlas Shrugged. The Great Gatsby. The Financier.



My Blog

Going to Sweden

Well, I found out this wknd that I have to go to Sweden next month for business.  I really don't like cold weather, but for business I don't mind.  Jan. should be a good month.  I finna...
Posted by Ben on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:49:00 PST

Leave Iraq Now

The Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld & Rice is total disaster for the USA.  Hundred of thousands dead, oil is past $85 USD a barrel, our reputation is tainted and we are in debt for hundreds of bill...
Posted by Ben on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:04:00 PST


Greetings, October is going to be huge.  Time to get those dormant wells pumping....straight black, oily crude.  Also, I will be going to see my gurl, which means a quick trip to Tiffany &am...
Posted by Ben on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 12:04:00 PST

Another signed contract

Well, this week should be good.  I'm looking forward to receiving another contract for the firm.  The more zeros you can add on the end, the better.  Money talks and bullshit walks.
Posted by Ben on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST

Oil in Texas

I'm going down to Texas in October.  Our firm has recenly taken over some oil wells and I'm going down to investigate.  I've always liked Texas, great place to be and their women are fine as...
Posted by Ben on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 10:36:00 PST