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I started living in L.A. summer 2007, and I've kind of stayed. I'm living with one of my best friends and we have had a blast. Now she's going to do amazing things for this world and her life for the next year. I am so excited for her, but I am going to miss her terribly. I miss my friends and family, and I'm not replacing them at all, but I have friends here too. I love the weather, but who doesn't. Being here has given me a chance to do something different. I am still trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I love gaining all these new experiences and growing and learning from them. I know God loves me no matter what and no one else can say or do that. I laugh a lot and love it. I love when something is so funny that it makes me fall on the floor laughing. I have 3 brothers, who are my friends, and I love it. They all have great hearts. 2 loving parents who live on a farm, 1 nephew who is in highschool and is awesome,1 baby nephew, cousins that I adore, lots of great relatives. I love my family. We are pretty close and have some good times. I have the best friends in the world! This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!