I am a Sergeant First Class in the New Jersey National Guard. I have been a military policeman for over 20 years and I have been deployed several times thoughout my career. I have been to Panama on three different occasions, Germany and most recently Iraq. We were deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom where I worked as a Platoon Sergeant for the 3rd platoon 42nd MP Co. The "Voodoo Platoon" was the best group of soldiers that anyone could ask for. Worked hard, played harder and accomplished every mission with 100% success rate. We worked the roads in the Sunni Triangle from Tikrit to Baghdad and all points in between. "Rainbow, Never Forget" Currently I am assigned to the 254th Reg. as an instructor for the military police MOS-T. I am also working as a recruiting assistant so if anyone who reads this has any questions concerning the Army National Guard or Military Police, you can contact me and I'll answer any questions. I will help anyone who is thinking about joining the Guard.
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