Billy~N~Brenwynne profile picture



About Me


Okay! Well, I am happily married to the hottest woman around! Being married is great! She's an artist consultant & management in the music industry. and for myself, I'm a custom jeweler in the jewelry industry. That's all well and good but we are really excited about our own business that we started up! (Check out our websites below, that's just a sample!) It is so much more rewarding to work for yourself and I am learning so much cool stuff along the way! One of my wife's best friends, Shawn, has a quote on his account. It say, "A life without cause is a life without effect" I guess the challenge is figuring out what kind of effect you want to have on people and then you will have your cause. God Bless!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody....(beautiful people, cool people, unique, and even the odd ones.... I love People. Also anybody that are long lost friends.


Here is a website of some of the material that my friend and I were working .. on the picture icon below and check out some of our material. While you are there, go ahead and add him as a friend.

Thanks for your time


Well, I don't watch any....
Don't have time.


My wife --- Duh! She inspires me to be better. Oh yeah! Can't forget God & Jesus...

My Blog

New Website for our Company!!!!

Hey just wanted to let you guys know of our new and improved company's website... Tell us what you think!!! Password to access is: guestN55 Enterprises ...
Posted by Billy~N~Brenwynne on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 05:35:00 PST

This Thing About True Love

Okay, here's the deal.  A friend was telling about true love. Is there such a thing called TRUE LOVE?  Well, I use to think so about 5-6 years ago.  But now I know it's "Love at first S...
Posted by Billy~N~Brenwynne on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 08:12:00 PST

New Songs Project.... Let me know what you think

Hey, here is a website of some of the material that my friend and I am working on.  His name is Trey Thomas and he is an upcoming songwriter in the Carolinas.  Click on the picture ico...
Posted by Billy~N~Brenwynne on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:24:00 PST

Thankful for what I'm blessed with!!!

So where should I begin.... Well I just wanted to say that Sunday Morning was a eventful time of my life that has stretched me.   Around 12:30AM I was experiencing servere pain in my lower r...
Posted by Billy~N~Brenwynne on Tue, 30 May 2006 10:46:00 PST