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About Me

Name: Morris Mishima
Status: Not looking.
Nick Names: Dragon, The Liberator, The Negotiator.
Age: Unknown-????
Gender: Male
Height: 8'4
Weight: 919 pounds.
Blood Type: Unknown.
Hair Color: Blood Red.
Hair Style:
1st hair style: Morris Mishima's hair is style forward so that it practically covers his face and towards the back his hair is long and hangs all the way to his lower backside close to his thigh. Towards the back of his hair is styled into a single pony tail braid that hangs all the way to his backside. At the end of the braid was a yellow ribbon that his mother had given him as a child but he could not wear it around his risk any longer so he wore it in his hair.
2nd hair style: Morris Mishima's hair is style forward so that it practically covers his face and towards the back his hair is long and hangs all the way to his lower backside close to his thigh. Towards the back of his hair is styled straight so that it can flow in the wind and it hangs close to his knee caps.
Eye Color: Gloomy Red.
Skin Color: Sinewy brown/Brown.
Body Type: Morris Mishima is an extremely bulky guy and has extreme sheer brute strength that not even the strongest of his opponents could handle.
Orientation: Straight.
Place Of Birth: Unknown.
Location: Nomadic.
Elements: Fire and Lightning, Nature’s Energy.
Main Weapon: Banryuu
Weapon Type: Morris Mishima is use to wielding heavier weapons that deal great amounts of damage in single strikes, Other than that he can uses board swords and katanas and halberds. But Morris picks up on things easily he may not know how to use a weapon but he does know how to battle against it due to his battle intelligence. In his time he has used close to ever weapon an learning how to use it well enough to fend for himself.
Strongest Technique: "Divine Dragon Wave."
Purpose: To liberate all dragons and bring them to Paradise.
Personality Traits: Morris Mishima is extremely quiet and rarely speaks only time he speaks is when he must so you won't hear him talk very much. He keeps his cool most of the time until he gets angry which is not hard to do. It does not matter what situation Morris will not strike a female. He hates all Uchihas so it is best to avoid him if you’re a male Uchiha. At times Morris Mishima was cold but most of the time if his opponent was a worthy opponent he would spare them due to his honor. Morris always carried mannerisms close to that of a mad man so in battle he may handicap himself to give his opponent the edge. Morris has a great amount of pride and honor which was hard to understand because he followed it like his guild lines of his life and nothing could change that. Meaning the rules he set were law to him and were never to be broken unless there was no choice and no choice for him is extremely hard to determine.
Occupation: Dragon Deity.
Uniqueness: Morris Mishima's body can stand any amount of heat and is completely immune to heat and the elements that follow them such as fire and lightning. His body also hones a family trait pass down the Mishima blood line called the "Devil Gene" which allows him to enter a demon state no one has ever seen this transformation except his twin brother Rio Mishima. Morris can also release great amounts of fire and lightning from his body. Last but least Morris Mishima body is restricted by the power limiters he wears around his neck and forehead if these items are broken Morris would be sent into a berserk rage if someone were to push him enough or survive long enough while he was in this berserk state which is highly improbable he would eventually take his true form which was the Divine Dragon no one had seen this form except his mother Isabella Valentine and the other elder gods.
Dislikes: Morris Mishima disliked many things but one of the main things is Uchihas he hated them greatly for what they had done to his great grandfather Jinpachi Mishima and his uncle Sephiroth Mishima. He not only hated them for that reason he just hated their existence point blank and nothing could change his point of view on that because his stubborn pride. Morris also hates humans because as he grew up he had to live with them and that was displeasing to him because he hated weak things and humans were right next’s to Uchihas in power so that’s why he hated them so plus as he grew up he was picked on by humans and other gods making him grow resentment even more. Morris hates colds places and avoids them completely. He also dislikes anyone that does not carry a sense of honor or pride due to the simple fact in his eyes without honor or pride you are spineless and worthless making you no better than a Uchiha.
Fighting Styles: Dragon Fist, Mishima karate, and Kenpo.
Fighting Strategy: In battle Morris Mishima always depended on his extreme brute strength to crush his opponent and heat that radiated from his body. Morris most of time would start off a battle with a sword because his fists is one of his most deadly weapons and would only be used on an opponent that was worth it. Most of the time he would give his opponent no chance to win at all he would aim to end the match quickly as possible.
Sensei who trained Morris Mishima:
Might Guy (Dead)
Akuma / Gouki (Dead)
Auron (Dead)
Zack (Dead)
Heihachi Mishima (Dead)
Iori Yagami (Dead)
Kronos the Titian (dead)
Shenyu (Dead)
Kusanagi Mishima(Dead)
Sephiroth Mishima(Dead)
Benkei (Dead)
Isabella Valentine(Alive)
Kazuya Mishima (Dead)
Jinpachi Mishima (Dead)
Blare Silence (Dead)
Morris Mishima's Locations/Hang outs
Morris Mishima's Locations/Hang outs1st Volcanic Plain:
Both Day/ Night Time:
At a foot of a volcano there was a plain that was once bursting with life but now was a volcano plain which killed all life in the area and caused craters in the ground which filled up with bright orange magma. There were very few paths left for a person to walk on and the heat was unbearable. The smoke from the volcano and the of the old area caused a veil of smoke to cover the sky and block out of the sun making the entire area eternally dark. The temperature in the area was off the charts and rarely changes depending on the wind speed. On the edge of lava pool Morris Mishima stood with one hand inside the pool of the boiling hot lava.
2nd Zenryuuken Forest:
Day Time:
It was a silent day in a in a forest. The trees swayed side to side as the wind swiftly ran through the branches moving them side to side gracefully. The bright yellow sun that hover overhead the area and high lighted the area. Through out the area there were tall blossom trees that let loose a couple of petals that then danced slowly to the ground. The ground was completely pink from the petals. In the area there was a well sized pond that the water was crystal clear and see through, the water let off a reflection of the sky which made it look so much more beautiful. Also in the area their was a volcano that lie just south of the pond that was directly in the middle of the area the entire north side of the volcano was covered in caves and holes. In the area large boulders lie about that had fell from the mountain and slid down and landed anywhere in the area. The wild life in the area was silent with an exception of loud roars that ran through the area every once in while that sounded that of a dragon's but there were so many different roars it was unsure. The temperature was about 93-110 degrees the wind speed was about 6 miles per hour. This was Morris Mishima's home on earth the Zenryuuken forest. Morris would sit in the branch of a blossom tree near the pond only a couple of yards away from it.
Night time:
It was a silent night in a in a forest. The trees swayed side to side as the wind swiftly ran through the branches moving then side to side gracefully. The full pale blue moon that hover overhead the area was full and bold making it hard to miss. Through out the area there were tall blossom trees that let loose a couple of petals that then danced slowly to the ground. The ground was completely pink from the petals. In the area there was a well sized pond that the moons rays had cause the pond to have a glimmering effect that was enchanting. Also in the area their was a volcano that lie just south of the pond that was directly in the middle of the area the entire north side of the volcano was covered in caves and holes. In the area large boulders lie about that had fell from the mountain and slid down and landed anywhere in the area. The wild life in the area was silent with an exception of loud roars that ran through the area every once in while that sounded that of a dragon's but there were so many different roars it was unsure. The temperature was about 75-85 degrees the wind speed was about 36 miles per hour. This was Morris Mishima's home on earth the Zenryuuken forest. Morris Mishima stood at the edge of the pond with his arms folded.
3rd Kamion Desert:
Day time: It was a broad day light the bright yellow sun hovered over head a desert. The desert had a three oasis in the area but spread out in great distance one to the south and the other to the north west and the other to the east. There were very few trees in the area and they were palm trees and they didn't grow very big. Their were plenty rocks that lie about the desert sandy bed many of them large and bulky, The sand was a bright yellow but due to the bright sun it seemed close to white. The area had plenty of life in it you just had to look for it sand dragons roamed underneath the surface of the sand you could tell because of the trail lines they left as if a shark was swimming to close towards the surface, scorpions lie hidden in the sand but for some strange reason in this area there had been zero snakes or serpents like creatures. The temperature was about 90-117 degrees and the wind speed was 12 mile per hour. In a random act of events a large sand dragon emerged from the ground and soared into the air causing sand to flourish the air making a light smog cover the a small amount of the area the dragon then quickly dove back into the sand disappearing. This was the Kamion Desert. The smog then cleared and the area stood still. Morris Mishima sat on the slanted trunk of a palm tree that lie to the oasis that lie to the North West. Morris constantly visited the Kamion Desert if someone wanted to find him this would be one of the places that would be good to check.
Night time: It was a gloomy night the pale blue whole moon looked over head a desert. The desert had a three oasis in the area but spread out in great distance one to the south and the other to the north west and the other to the east. There were very few trees in the area and the trees that were there weren’t very big. Their were plenty rocks that lie about the desert sandy bed many of them large and bulky, The sand was a bright yellow but due to the lack of light the sand looked deeping blue. The area had plenty of life in it you just had to look for it sand dragons roamed underneath the surface of the sand you could tell because of the trail lines they left as if a shark was swimming to close towards the surface, scorpions lie hidden in the sand but for some strange reason in this area there had been zero snakes or serpents like creatures. The temperature was about 80-83 degrees and the wind speed was 64 mile per hour. In a random act of events a large sand dragon emerged from the ground and soared into the air causing sand and dust to flourish the air making a light smog cover the a small amount of the area the dragon then quickly dove back into the sand disappearing. The desert then stood still after this like nothing never happen the moon made the area seem so peaceful hiding the violence’s that actually lived in the area. Morris Mishima would sit on the edge on the oasis that lie to the south the water was crystal clear and blue due to the moons rays the oasis seemed to glow an eerie blue color. Morris constantly visited the Kamion Desert if someone wanted to find him this would be one of the places that would be good to check.
4th Mountain Honmaru:
Day Time:
The light from the sun slowly stretched out as the rays of light illuminated the top of the surrounding mountain until the light reached the peak of the main mountain and lit the sky up with it rays. The death mountain had very little life for centuries due to the simple fact that a presence had entered it many centuries ago. Every rock was the same grey color and every tree was withered away and tattered but at the peak of the mountain stood three mighty trees that had green leaves and were alive and beside them was a temple called Honmaru temple. The temple was very large and was made of pure oak wood and very little steal. The temple was constructed centuries ago by Jinpachi Mishima this temple was the training grounds of all Mishimas and since declared so life had basically stopped on the mountain. Behind the temple lay piles of stones that were stacked high at least twelve feet high in the air and in the middle of all the piles were a marble slack that stood straight up each of them engraved a name the first was Kusanagi Mishima the second was Jinpachi Mishima then Heihachi Mishima then Sephiroth Mishima and last in the row was Kazuya Mishima. A wisp dead of air would ran past the mountain peak as if this place was the home of a pure evil being or a reaper of soul all that seemed to wait in the area was death.
Night time:
It was a quiet night on peak of mountain Honmaru as the moon light of the big bright pale blue full moon hovered over head the mountains peak. The death mountain had very little life for centuries due to the simple fact that a presence had entered it many centuries ago. Every rock was the same grey color and every tree was withered away and tattered but at the peak of the mountain stood three mighty trees that had green leaves and were alive and beside them was a temple called Honmaru temple. The temple was very large and was made of pure oak wood and very little steel. The temple was constructed centuries ago by Jinpachi Mishima this temple was the training grounds of all Mishimas and since declared so life had basically stopped on the mountain. Behind the temple lay piles of stones that were stacked high at least twelve feet high in the air and in the middle of all the piles were a marble slack that stood straight up each of them engraved a name the first was Kusanagi Mishima the second was Jinpachi Mishima then Heihachi Mishima then Sephiroth Mishima and last in the row was Kazuya Mishima. A wisp dead of air would ran past the mountain peak as if this place was the home of a pure evil being or a reaper of soul all that seemed to wait in the area was death. Morris could easily be found here for this was one of many settings he chose for his training grounds.
Mishima Zaibatsu:
Zenryuuken Caves:
Para all the way up to Novella are allowed in this group and if your a Uchiha don't bother showing up also you must post under ranking in order to receive a rank and if you just wish to ally with us send me a comment.
The Dragon Empire Click Seal

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AimMorris [email protected]_Morris@Yaho o.comSkypeMorris MishimaFor skype just search my name I should pop up."Morris Mishima"
Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 01:12:00 GMT

Train session with sons.

The order will be Me Blade Hao then all over again simply put I want this to go as smoothly as possible.
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 21:46:00 GMT

Move list/fighting styles/Weapons

Mishima karate: Each Mishima learns the Mishima Karate fighting style but they then mold it to there own image, Morris Mishima made his Mishima fighting styled based on his strength and weaknesses mak...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:50:00 GMT

Mishima Family

Family: Name: Yunie Mishima Relation to Morris Mishima: Morris darling love which he would not give up for anything in the entire world. Current Status: Alive and well and still being spoiled.   ...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:07:00 GMT

Draco and Morris Training

((OOC:This is a battle between me and Draco you may post and watch the fight but other than that mine your own business.))
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 10:57:00 GMT