I'm juliana, Jules, or Tigerlilly.I'm a photographer, painter, and dreamer.I'm a raver, not a prostitot. I'm old enough to run around in little clothes if I want to, especially since I spend hours making them.I am Tiger mamma of The Trippendicular Trio!!! if you don't know us, you wish you did. We breakfast ninja and play with raver kids; we gogo dance and have lama pride; we meow and speak in tongues.I go to Burning Man every year and I love the dirty hippies. I'm a vegeterian. I do fire hooping, fans, and poi.I'm a Baaaad sheeep and a naughty kitty. I'm not a stripper, though apparently I'd be a good one....I love camping and being outside. I also love travel and water (I'm a cancer to the core.)I can be very emotional but very understanding, and I take care of everyone and love making people happy.I am not impressed by random guys sending me "babe you're fuckin' bangin'" messages, so don't waste my time.P♥L♥U♥RI steal hats from boys and Keese the girlies.Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile