I have a tattoo of Jesus on my arse, which looks shocked everytime I spread my cheeks, my next tattoo I plan to get a full body portrait of Lola Ferrari using my own breast as hers.
I some times dream of Dolly Parton as my long lost natural mother, who will take me under her wing and teach me to bake and sing like another man left me for an irish skinned, emerald green eyed Harpie.
I am infact the inventor of the foil protection of cigarettes inside the casing (yes infact it’s my fault for all the foil shit in the ashtrays, however not the plastic.)
And I still can’t see what the hell people are talking about when they say there’s a KKK symbol on Malboroughs.
I'm really really bored right now
I'm willing to bet when you read this I’m probably either just as bored or sleeping.
I have a job which let's face it I find less than satisfying, very frustrating, tedious and aggravating. Just like 99.9% of the rest of the population.
The only thing which really gets me through each day is friends and my creative outlets one of which I have many.
Unfortunately I’m in the same place as many I’m not entirely sure what I want, I have a general plan of how I’d like to be but no idea of which path to follow to get there. Once again like 99.9% of everybody else.
I focus all of my energy to individuality and being unique, but every morning wake up with the same attitude and distaste for my life due to being stuck in a rat race and being completely blended into the crowd.
blah blah blah....emo emo emo I wrote this about 18months ago....haven't been bother to edit it since