Other parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and people who share the same hobbies and interests as me.
Michael Buble', Emmy Rossum, Corrine Bailey Rae, Dean Martin, Doris Day, Bing Crosby, mostly older music up to the end of the 80's and early 90's...I love music and could never sit here and think of or list them all! It also depends on my mood and what's going on in my life right now!
Rob Roy, The Godfather (all of them!), Schindler's List, The Sixth Sense, The Others, Dangerous Beauty, Girl Interrupted, The Pianist, Gia, Cold Mountain, old movies with actresses like Lucille Balle, Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn, and actors such as Rock Hudson, Carey Grant, etc.
I don't have time anymore but these were my favorite shows when I did! Private Practice, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Big Love, House, Two and a Half Men, Brothers & Sisters, Samantha Who, Documentaries, Entourage, Rescue Me and The L Word
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Finding a Diagnosis and Getting Help by Mitzi Waltz, Look Me In The Eye, The Myth of Laziness, Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife, (EXCELLENT TRUE STORY!), Journey Of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton, Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton, Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression
A hero to me is someone I’ve spent time with, someone I love and admire. Someone that gives me encouragement, hope, knowledge, understanding and most of all, leaves me in awe of one or more of their qualities. My personal heroes are few and far between.
I have learned by having lost two of my heroes that it’s important to appreciate those that are here and enjoy every experience that we share. To learn from them and keep an open mind, to understand or at least try to understand why or how they do what they do or how they live their lives.
In one way or another each one collectively has taught me the true meaning of unconditional love and friendship.
My friend Michelle Dawn Esser – One of the best friends and most influential persons in my life. I could write a book about the things we experienced together, the fun we had, the lessons we learned (from the mistakes we made!), and the trouble we caused! Michelle’s life was not an easy one. She was faced with so many trials and tribulations and try as she might, her heart just never healed after Matthew’s death. A young wife and mother should never have to go through what she did but she kept on for as long as she could.
In the end, she was taken from us way too early at a difficult time in her life and in a very tragic way. Her friendship, sense of humor, understanding, generous spirit, love for her children, and her determination to find love again was incredible to experience and be around. She left behind three beautiful daughters and at least one friend whose heart and life will never be the same without her. The loss of this amazing woman makes me feel like on that horrible day, something just went wrong with the universe; that it is all a mistake and when I wake up tomorrow, she will be here again. All I can do is keep her alive in my heart and memory and never forget a moment we shared together! I know we will meet again…
My (ex) Mother-In-Law, dear friend and grandmother to my youngest son, Christenna VanSlyke – I’ve never met a person with such an open and loving heart and soul as her. She inspired me by her beautiful spirit and the way she touched others. I’ve never heard her speak a negative word about another human being (other than men in general LOL) the entire time I knew her. She had a spirit of love, friendship and forgiveness like no other. She was so happy to be a grandma and loved my older son no differently and no less than my younger son who is her biological grandson. She too, endured so much during her life, much more than anyone should have to…
At the end of her time here on earth, it just proved to be too much for her body to withstand and although she chose to leave on her own terms, I completely understand and truly admire the length and the way in which she stuck it out. Her ability to love and the way she accepted everyone the way they were is what I admired most about her. I will strive to be just like her in that way.
My other heroes who I’m so happy to know and love include:Kayla -who has the strength of a great warrior and the wisdom of a sage. I've never met anyone who has faced so many personal losses in such a short lifetime with the grace of an angel. She has such a beautiful soul (just like her mom), and I'm so proud to know her and call her my friend (even though she's more like a niece!)
My dear friend Leesa who is the best single mother I've ever known. She too has endured much in her life and is the most selfless person I’ve ever met. She has such a loving, giving and nurturing soul, she amazes me and has since the day I met her sixteen years ago. She has been my “mommy hero†and I’ve always strived to be as good of a mother to my boys as she is to her girls. (and now grandma to her grandson!) I love you Leesa!
My grandfather, John Moore and my Grandmother, Jeanette Moore. If there was ever an example of true, lasting and unconditional love that never loses its spark of newness it’s my grandparents. Again, I could write a book about the things I admire about them both. At this time, it’s difficult to write too much because my grandmother is very ill and my grandfather, who with the strength of a true warrior, and the heart of a Saint, is caring for his lifelong love every minute of every day. What he is going through right now is too painful to write about but if ever there was a hero, an example for young men everywhere, someone to admire, it’s my grandfather. I love you Grand mom and Granddad.
My children, Justin and Tyler. My children are my ultimate heroes. For reasons they aren’t even aware of, they inspire me every day of my life. They are truly special and unique and I pray for their health and happiness every day of my life. They are my everything and I’m so grateful to be their mom.