Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ...."Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?...." Actually, who are you not to be?...."
It's ME BiTchEZ!...
I'm 21 and I'm from VA! I'm a military brat so I've lived damn near everywhere. I LOVE my FAMILY!
I LOVE 2 hang out with my friends ALOT. I LOVE 2 laugh and have FUN all the time because life SHOULDNT alwayz b takin so SERIOUSLY...I LOVE and am COMPLETLEY obsessed with clothes, shoes and accessories! I just cant get enough. I LOVE 2 spend time w/my TWIN brothers Dominick n D'Angelo they're FUNNY. I'm also SPOILED so whateva I want I get!!My Bestest Friends! Kristen, Tia, Tawanda, Lala, Tweety, Carlos n Gerald! I LOVE ALL YALL!***PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT***
READ CAREFULLY...2 all the hatin azz bitches and dumb azz niggas if your on my page PLZ cLicK the HOME button located on the TOP LEFT HAND CORNER and get the FCUK OFF my page...ThanxI got this layout from hot-lyts.com! Click here to get your own.
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