I like taking pictures of stuff. I also like math and science because I am a a dork that has no creativity. Except for the whole picture thing.
penguins are pretty cool.
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Rock. Not the screaming/growling crap. Though it does add to the song if there is the occasional burst of screaming. But if I can't understand a work the person is saying, I won't listen to it.
Disney movies are awesome. Any Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Judy Garland, ect classics I love. I do like newer movies too. I have to warn you that I jump during scary movies a lot.
I don't really watch television. Well, I do, but not in the sense that at eight I have to be in the living room watching my show. I like shows like Law and Order and CSI and Criminal Minds. Stuff like that.
Love books. Love reading. That's enough.
Best friends are amazing.