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Angel_By the Ocean

About Me

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~Mind Searching~ Affection and devotion comes from within the soul.. The soul is seen thru the eye... Search there and you will find... A Soul yearning for laughter, peace, contentment, love and affection churning thru the mind... Give freely and you will find all you've searched for in your mind... Copyright R.A.Tittle
get code @ MyHotCommentsI am an all round American girl, who is fashionable, fun loving, and easy going for the most part. True Aries~!! My favorite thing to wear: Levis and a great T-shirt.Loving my family and friends is the most important part of my life. There is nothing better than being together! We are crazy, fun and so full of heart, faith, commitment and devotion... My family is truly the "lights" in my life. They are all so important to me and I love them all so very much. They have each added so much to the person I am today, especially my aunt.

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Click here to post this on your page or 'blogThese photographs were taken recently by my son Dakota and I during a visit with my Dad and Momma! Beautiful Moments Forever Treasured!I absolutely treasure the Ocean and everything in it! The sand upon my feet, leaving footprints as I walk... all worries fall from grace...listening to the ocean waves crash...They are So calming and relaxing...All the cares of the world just seem to slip away...Its beauty is simply breathtaking...
Graphics & LayoutsI love all kinds of animals and nature. My favorite animal is an Orca. My favorite domestic animals are dogs, cats and horses...

Photo Moms

angel_bytheocean's group at CafeMom

I really love the simple things in life. I love to be spontaneous and travel. Spontaneous plans always seem to create the best memories.I love photography and I am a published photographer. Black and white is my favorite photography venue. With B&W photography, your mind uses imagination for colors and vividness.I really enjoy the great outdoors, camping; hiking especially around water falls or the ocean; taking walks in the park; floating on inner tubes down the river; going to the lake for the day; or hiking around in the woods taking pictures.I am a published writer/poet and I journal frequently. I really love writing poetry. Writing is my outlet of thoughts, wishes imagination and feelings.I really love and adore kids too. The world is different when you stop and see the world through the eyes of a child. The world to them is so innocent, magical and brand new.Life is always an adventure. Sometimes, well actually most of the time, all we need to do is take a moment, stop and close our eyes and listen, smell, sensing the world around us. Take off your shoes and socks in the park, just walking barefoot. It is so liberating..... Start Link to API -- .. End Link to API --I love to dance. It is a freeing of the soul when you dance and you get lost into the beat of the music; regardless, of where you are. Try dancing in the park...Something else that is liberating. Just put your tunes to your ear and dance...I love sunny warm weather but not to hot. I also like the rain drops and thunder storms. I love how the storm clouds break over the ocean and sprays of light shine through. The sight is so beautiful and simply awe inspiring.
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I'd like to meet:

Create your own Friend Quiz hereI like to meet people who are sincere. I love meeting new people. Friends always have something to imprint upon your soul in this journey called life.I truly take pleasure in being around people and enjoying good conversation. Everyone has something intriguing to express. I absolutely love to LAUGH and to make people laugh with my smart, quick witted comments or jokes!My precious family, whom, are my blessings everyday!~~~Spirits Grow~~~~~Everyday our spirits grow... Loving and Learning... Taking the steps for our Journey... Living and Breathing... Our chapter pages keep turning... Fulfilling our Destiny... Compassion and Connection... One Chapter closes and a new one begins... Our spirits grow... Yearning and Needing... Knowledge and Devotion take a stand... Soulfully and Tearfully... Rocked to the core of our being...Striving to reach the predestined place... Our souls grow with... Every Tear... Every Laugh... Every Sensation... Every Touch... Where is your soul in your chapters of life? Is it Loving and Learning? Is it Compassion and Connection? Is it Yearning and Needing? Is It Soulful and Tearful? Is It Growing?@Copyrighted by R.A Tittle All Rights Reserved. No part of Spirits Grow may be reproduced in any way without the prior permission of R.A Tittle.
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I love all different kinds of music!My Moto's: Most of all, love all things and see the beauty within everything touched or seen; give yourself to all the world because life is about beauty and love. Material possesions mean nothing, because you can always do without as long as you have love in your heart and a song falling your lips.


Premonitions, Titanic, Eight Mile, Deep end of the ocean, Gone in 60seconds, Steel Magnolius, Fried Green Tomatoes, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Notebook, City of Angels, Something's Gotta Give, Step Mom, My Best Friends Wedding, The Holiday


Friends!Travel channel, National geographic channell, HGTV, Parental Control, Bravo, TBS has great movies! Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, The Real House Wives of OC, The Unit


Bible, Saturday Morning, Angela's Ashes, Johnny Angel, Lighthouse and travel destination books, Anything about Orca's. I really enjoy true-life stories. How to Books, Magazines like Coastal Living, Ophrah, Sunset, In Style, Writer's Digest, The Writer


Christian Glitter by
Brandon taught me to try and try until you succeed because with determination the beauty of the world opens for you to experiance without limitations! Call people on their bluffs! He was a grand voice in a little boys body. He was so determined to be big with big goals filled with big dreams...Now, my little big man is bigger than I.Andy Sean...Our little FBI agent...He taught me to love with all my heart and to give to other's because someone is poorer than you. He would take the shirt off his back and gladly give it a away. He gave unconditionally and taught me to laugh even through the tears because someone loves you. He always told jokes or did things to make you laugh! He taught me to sing and humm my worries away because tomorrow is a new day, with new beginnings...I'll Be Missing You

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My Blog

Please Forward This Message!

Thank you again for your help.---------PLEASE FORWARD MESSAGE BELOW-------Did you know that 2.5 million people have been driven from theirhomes in Darfur, Sudan? Each day, they face threats that areha...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:54:00 PST

Please send this to President Bush to help Darfur!

This means so much to me....Please personalize this letter and send it...even something as small as an email will help the men, women and children of Darfur from such destruction... Thank you in advan...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST

Bridge to Terabithia

Last night I watched the movie, Bridge to Terabithia...I thought it was an awesome movie! It pulled at your imagination as well as the heart strings...the ending was so bittersweet and ...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:18:00 PST

Awesome News about my father~~~

My Dad has been fighting adenocarcinoma (cancer in his abdomen) since easter. He has been on chemo therapy and high doses of Prayer~~! We have had a few scares with a hospital stay and a str...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 10:10:00 PST


Sisters  A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the oblig...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:51:00 PST

My Grandma has Died

Yesterday morning, my grandma passed away from a stroke/heart attach. She was 93 years old and lived a good life surrounded by her children, grandchildren and her great grandbaies too... She was ...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

I Finally Have My Sister Johna!

A couple of weeks ago my biological sister and I spoke for the first time in 35 years. This is a  connection of love I have longed for all my life! Finally, my sister! We talked on the phon...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:07:00 PST

What is really perfect

You know I was thinking about my life and where I have been and where I am going...I realized that I love the person I have become...I am a person full of hope and find beauty in all things! my life i...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Sun, 27 May 2007 09:56:00 PST

To all the MOTHERS out there!!!

..> I know many have already read this but I think it is worth reading again.... This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Osc...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Sun, 20 May 2007 06:54:00 PST

Whistling in the Dark

Whistling in the Dark is a Novel by Lesley Kagen... I truly loved this book and the road the O'malley sisters take you on is heartbreaking, yet lives entwine... One father dies, while the O'Malle...
Posted by Angel_bytheocean on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:42:00 PST