j gillespie profile picture

j gillespie

About Me

The photo next to this is misleading- I actually own something other than lawn furniture now- I was never player/ coach of the Charlestown Chiefs in the old Federal League- and I did not throw a career-ending interception to Corey Webster of the World Champion NY Giants in the NFC Championship Game- but I do believe the Wile E. Coyote/ Roadrunner cartoons are a sort of metaphor for the larger human condition- and I'm not the type of white guy who'd whiff on a high five- I do not represent the estate of the late Irish comedian Dave Allen- and that is not me in the cowboy hat and I do not have the nicest goddamn Lexus in this here holler- nor have I ever attended a No Sex Hot Dog Parade- I would know the difference between human and dog plasma, was never a member of the "Mr. Belvedere Fun Club" and did not get a bithday greeting from the man himself, do not have a brother with which to compete against the Williams sisters in an Oreo-eating contest and was not in the cast of NBC's "Riptide"

My Blog

October place-holder

Another blog entry that starts with me commenting on my recent lack of activity between the 2 sites I post on- between the two-month or so gap posting these,  being busy as hell at work since Labor ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:39:00 GMT

Second-hand thoughts and stale beer

Didn't realize until this evening- while I've been trying to drink up my old Yuengling stash from the winter-  that I've let this blog go fallow for the past six weeks or so- on both platforms- Have...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Aug 2009 20:36:00 GMT

There's no "we" in "I don't give a f....."

I'd put the whole title up- just worried that putting 'fuck' in the title might be some sort of red flag on either of the sites I post this on- Not trying to be a hypocrite- like those cited on a fr...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:30:00 GMT

Much sooner than what?

I wrote in my last entry here (3 June)- I'd be back much sooner than later- Well.... I thought of stuff- but aside from working oddly variant hours again the past couple weeks- stretches of night sh...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 23:33:00 GMT

Trashed, uninspired or merely crushed?

Once again- I have to explain an unplanned, long interregnum to the few that read these bleatings- on either of these sites- Have still been busy with work and other pursuits- though I've recently b...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jun 2009 23:29:00 GMT

Passive blogging

I have not actively blogged in about three weeks or so- though I'm not sure there's a method of passive blogging (I revised the title of this after writing the preceding passage)- Between a stretch ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 23:17:00 GMT

Back on the grid- for another swing

Don't think I was tempting fate a few weeks back when I thumbed my noseat the "confickr" virus (1 April)- but whatever maladies were slowingdown the operations of my computer the past few months final...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 23:31:00 GMT

Country Time and chopper pads

Not sure I should be writing about this- but not many read this stuffanyhow- in either of its venues- so, I figure I'm relatively safe inthis admission: Tonight, I actually bought a hair re-growth pro...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 20:22:00 GMT

Les contretemps du blog

I don't know if my French is correct- but I figured I'd get in a few thoughts before the internet as we know it is taken down tomorrow (1 April)- at least for us Windows usersI've been writing this bl...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 21:11:00 GMT

Idea Clearingouse- Now- In 3D!

Been kind of a lag in posting lately- between work and other internetendeavors that kept me busy last week- will try to pick up on blog Istarted last Friday- before the other internet activities and f...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 21:36:00 GMT