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The music industry is changing rapidly. Record sales are down, artists are making less money and mediocrity holds sway. Yet there are more bands than ever before, more competition for success. More people seem to want to make music as a living. Most work years for little or no money, just to receive even the tiniest drop of success. Why is this?
This is a question Working Class Rock Star tries to answer. The real Behind-the-Music. This will take you to the music that exists beyond that which fills the airways. Welcome to the underground.
In following the lives and careers of Tub Ring , Bloodshoteye and 3 Mile Scream , while framing them with interviews from major players in the hard rock and metal scene, Working Class Rock Star will show a well-populated and very prolific community of people working hard to obtain their dreams. Some never make it. Others break and realize that life on a label is only the beginning of their troubles.
Welcome to the real music industry, where music is life and life isn't always fair.