Spencer profile picture


About Me

Well, if you know me then you probably dont need to read this. But for everyone else...Look at my pictures and thats most of my story. I have a decently fast Mustang, a cool 55 Chevy wheeling truck and a Super Crew Ford daily driver. I have a good life and a pretty sweet job. I drive a Fork Truck for an aftermarket GM warehouse. How cool is it that I get paid to drive a large Go-cart? Let me tell ya...REAL COOL! My regular office is a 15,000lb truck, but the big one can lift 100,000lb. Thats about 30 cars at once. Drop me a line if you have any other questions.*****My biggest pet peave are people with no common sense, a lack of drive and people who say its to hard or can't/shouldn't be done.*****found this cars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet myself when I am finally sucessful. Other then that, I think I have pretty much met all the people I need to. So dont try to add me as a friend without sending me a msg telling me why your cool. I dont need people to take up space on here. I hate people who talk to much and who are lazy! Oh and Whiners annoy the heck out of me too, So stop whining and pull your weight!!!

My Blog

Before I die

Ok, so I am thinking of a list of things to do before I die. I have made a list or two before and I will put them on here too. These are in no particular order.Do a Triathalon............................
Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 14:31:00 GMT

Wheeling truck

So I was putting my custom sway bar mounts onto my wheelin truck, since I just made them they didnt fit exactly how I thought they should. With that in mind I decided to file out the hole a little big...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 17:05:00 GMT

Spousal Equivalent

First of all I have to tell Josh "congradulations" he got married tonight and if it wasnt for him I wouldn't have the ambition to write this.... I am sick of going out and meeting people who don't pos...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 23:53:00 GMT

Just watch the video please.

This is me a little while ago...well, not "ME" but my life except it was in gay MI. I cannot wait to see the mountains and rodeo again...watch the video please.     .ahpe{ backgr...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:36:00 GMT

I think I might know now...

So, I think I now know why I am so depressed and confused with life in general. It is because of a couple reasons. First off everyone needs a stress reliver, mine is my car. I could not drive my car l...
Posted by on Tue, 16 May 2006 16:37:00 GMT