I am driven toward Family and Friends, Helping others, trying to make people Happy/Smile, Children, Being a good person, Spirituality, Love/Romance, different types of Scenery, Butterflies/Fairy, Fashion, Music, Hair, Dancing, Musicals, 50's clothing, Orchids, Japenese/Chinese Symbols, Horses, Dogs, Parrots, Art/Poetry, Quotes, Fairytales and Happy Endings!!!!!!!
I'm here for a family connection. I want to keep in contact wit my Nieces, Nephews, Cousins etc...
To meet old and make new friends would be a plus!
MySpace Glitter Graphics©HOT LAYOUTS
I love all types!!
As long as the story line is good, I'm in. As per my favorite type LOVE Stories, hands down. For example: Notebook, Pride & Prejudice, The Heart of Me, Anne of Green Gables etc....... Oh, I've acquired a taste for Foreign Films...
No Time!!! and if I do have time I'll watch a movie.
Unfortunately I am not an adamant reader : (
Many Fall but the few that get back up!!!!